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Differences between Eastern and Western Beauty Do you think the people in the photos are beautiful? Esthetician are based on golden section method to analyze the distributed proportion of facial features, with the theory of 三庭五眼 for modificatory standard. On the vertical axis,there are “四高三低” The beauty of the standard The beauty of the standard The beauty of the standard The ancient Chinese beauty XiShi   During the Warring States period,in the State of Yue, there was a girl,as she was extremely beautiful, when she went to the river to wash the gauze, fish saw her reflection, it forgot to swim and gradually sink to the bottom of the river.Since then, xi shi has the 沉鱼 appellation. The ancient Chinese beauty DiaoChan During the period of the Three Kingdoms in China,when DiaoChan hold ceremonies to worship the moon in the garden , Suddenly blowing a gust of wind ,a piece of cloud cover the bright moon. Her adoptive father make widely known his daughter’s beauty, therefore, DiaoChan is known as 闭月. The ancient Chinese beauty ZhaoJun During the reign of Emperor Han North and South are always at war. Border areas were violent and chaotic. In order to placate north Huns, Emperor Yuan of Han select WangZhaojun to marry with the chief of the Huns. She started out in the crisp autumn light , she played the parting tune all the way .The wild geese flying from north to south hear this pleasant tweedle, and catch sight of this beautiful girl on his horse,so that they forget to swing wings and fall down. Since then, WangZhaojun has the 落雁appellation. The ancient Chinese beauty YangYuhuan  The Tang Dynasty period, a Emperors concubine name was YangYuhuan, one day, she went to the garden to enjoy the beautiful flowers. She said tearfully to the blooming flowers, Flowers will bloom every year, when I will see the light in the future ? ” She had just touched the flowers. Petals imm


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