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Festival Prevue Contrast of Chinese and Western Festival Trace Back To The Source Questions 1.?What kind of?festivals do you know? (Including Chinese and Western) 2. Which festivals do you like most? Part One Festival Prevue 节日的概说 节日是指一年中被赋予特殊社会文化意义并穿插于日常之间的日子,是人们丰富多彩的生活和社会活动的集中展现,是国家、名族、各地区的政治、经济、文化、宗教等的总结和延伸。 节日是具有群众性、周期性和相对稳定活动的特殊日子。 节日的社会功能 弘扬名族文化 增强名族凝聚力 节日是对民众施以文化濡化的重要途径 中国节日的起源和发展 节日源于古代季节气候,简单地说是由年月日与气候变化相结合排定的节气时令。 中国传统节令除二十四节气外,还主要表现在各季各月的朔、望之间。 节日的演进经历了萌芽期(先秦以前)、定型期(汉代)、融合转化期(魏晋南北朝)、变异期(唐宋)、稳定期(明清以后)。 西方节日的起源与发展 西方的传统节日以宗教为主。基督教不但是现代西方文化的酵母之一,而且目前仍然是西方社会精神的重要元素。 现在西方国家节日活动中宗教的因素正逐步淡化,娱乐的成分正逐渐加大。 Part Two Contrast of Chinese and Western Festival Festival Activities ? What is the origin of festival? ? Why?do?people?celebrate?the?festivals? ? What?are?the?traditional?activities?during? these?festivals? ? Are?there?any?symbols?of?the?festivals? Origin Spring Festival Symbols of Spring Festival We hang lanterns and stick Spring couplets. We have a big family dinner. Children get red bags and light firecrackers. We say ”Happy New Year” each other. We visit our friends and family . We watch Spring Festival gala evening. Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is the first full moon during one year. It means spring is coming. People celebrate it,and also celebrate the continue of new spring. Customs 黄绢幼妇外孙齑臼—绝妙好辞 谜面不着一字 ——白芷(纸) 前面来只船,舵手在上边,来 时下小雨,走后路已干—熨斗 臭豆腐(打一歌手)—莫文蔚 索马里难民大战杨贵妃(打一成语) ——骨肉相残 公开课(打一宗教名)—明教 People commemorate QuYuan, who is a great poet, on Dragon Boat Festival. Mid-Autumn Festival ? The annual lunar August 15 is Chinese traditional festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, It symbolize reunion. ? 每年农历的八月十五是中国的传统节日——中秋节,也是团圆的日子。 Moon Cake Moon cake is a traditional food of the Mid-Autumn festival. It looks like a full moon, means reunion. Symbols of Christmas Day People decorate their house. They send Christmas cards, buy Christmas trees and decorate them. They get together and have a b


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