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25, 4 V o l. 25, N o. 4 2009 12 W OR LD EA RTHQUAKE ENG INEER ING D ec. 2009 : 1007 - 6069 ( 2009) 04 - 0103- 05 1 1 2 1 2 1 康灵果 , 白国良 , 李红星 , 李晓文 , 赵春莲, 刘 林 ( 1. , 710055 2. , 7 10032 ) : 1 000MW 1/ 7 , , SA P2000 , , , : : TU 375 P3 1597 : A Experim ent and analy sis of dynam ic cha racteristics of a m ain bu ild ing w ith fram e-ben t structures in la rge th erm al pow er p lan ts 1 1 2 1 2 1 KAN G L ingguo , BA I Guo liang , L I H ongx ing , L I X iaow en , ZHAO Chunlian , L IU L in ( 1. Schoo l of C iv il Engin eering, X i an U n ivers ity of A rch itecture T echn ology, X i an 7 10055, Ch ina 2. N orthw est E lectron ic P ow er D esign Inst itu te, X i an 710032, Ch in a) Abs tract: A 1/7 sca le sp ace m odel expermi ent of three sp an s and three fram es h as been carried out, wh ich are m ade from a new m a in bu ilding w ith fram e-bent stru ctures in 1 000MW large therm a l pow er plants. The natural v-i bra tion frequencies and m ode shap es o f exp ermi enta l m ode l w ere obtained w ith h amm ering m ethod, and dynam ic ch aracter istics of prototype stru cture are acqu ired according to smi ilarity relat ion sh ips. T he fin ite elem ent m odel of the prototype stru cture in the m ain bu ild ing bu ilt w ith SA P2000 sofwt are is used to ana lyze stru ctural moda.l The natura l v ibration frequ enc ies and m ode shap es o f the structure are obta ined and com pared w ith e



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