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工业与住宅用地比价关系的重新考察 ——兼论工业与住宅用地价格差异的内在原因 徐思超,朱道林,伦飞,景思琦,吴亮,李晓亮 (中国农业大学土地资源管理系 ,北京 100193 ) 摘要:研究目的:测算一、二级土地市场上住宅与工业地价比值,并对两者价格差异的内在原因进行解释,为科学探 索地价合理水平提供依据。研究方法:实地调研法、理论分析法、对比分析法。研究结果:(1)嘉兴市住宅与厂房租 金的比值为 1.2,住宅与工业出让地价比值为2.2,住宅与厂房转让价格比值为3.2;(2)住宅与厂房租金的比值随距 市中心距离的增加而减小;(3)住宅与厂房转让价格的比值不仅受距离影响,还受所处方位的影响。研究结论:(1) 容积率、地理区位以及住宅用地中的投资性需求均会对住宅与工业用地价格比值产生影响;(2)工业产品与住宅产品 的不同导致了工业与住宅用地利用收益的差异。住宅交易环节中产生的住宅用地价格增值,是住宅用地比工业用地更 具投资属性的关键原因。 关键词:土地经济;工业地价;住宅地价;厂房租金;厂房转让价格;比价 中图分类号:F301.3 文献标识码:A Rethinking the Relationship of Prices between Industrial Land and Residential Land and their intrinsic difference XU Si-chao, ZHU Dao-lin, LUN-Fei, JING Si-qi, WU Liang, Li Xiao-liang (Department of Land Resources Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China) Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship of prices between the residential land and the industrial land by calculating their ratio, in order to explore their intrinsic difference. Methods employed include field research, theoretical analysis and comparative analysis. The results show that: 1) the ratio of house and factory rents is 1.2, the ratio of residential and industrial floor prices is 2.2 and the ratio of house and factory transfer prices is 3.2; 2) the ratio of house and factory rents goes lower as the distance goes further from city center and house rent is lower than factory rent in some distant area; 3). The ratio of house and factory transfer prices is affected by both distance and direction. It is concluded that both the floor area and the location can affect the ratio. And the investment demand of the residential land can also result in higher price of the residential land than the price of the industrial land. In addition, products from different lands result in different leve


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