人教版英语必修一unit5 warming up概要1.ppt

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人教版英语必修一unit5 warming up概要1

Play a game : guess who I am 1 She is a Chinese film actress and singer . 2She is considered by the media as one of the Four Young Dan actresses (四大花旦) in the Film Industry in China, along with Zhao Wei, Xu Jinglei, and Zhou Xun. 3 4 she was married to Wang Feng. Zhang ziyi Write down a piece of passage : in your mind who is the great man, please give reasonable reasons. a modern hero 让所有人得享正义。让所有人得享和平。让所有人得享工作、面包、水、盐分。 Homework Prepare for reading Unit 5 Nelson Mandela- a modern hero 1.He comes from Hong Kong, the worlds number-one action star . 2.He puts Chinese martial arts into his film and even became a martial arts director. 3He continues to make films in Hong Kong, including New Police Story in 2004 . Jackie Chan He was born on July 3rd ,1983 in Putuo Shanghai China. 2. He is 1.83 meters tall and 74 kg. 3.He runs fastest and got the medal of 100m hurdles(100米跨栏)in the 2004 Olympic Games. Liu Xiang she rises to fame due to her role as the headstrong Jen (Yu Jiao Long), for which she won several awards in film filds. Questions: ?Do you have idols? ?why do you like him or her ? Words about qualities: active 积极的,活跃的 careful 办事仔细的 confident 有信心的 easy-going 随和的 devoted 忠实的 friendly 友好的 strong-willed 意志坚强的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 calm镇静的 lovely 可爱的 handsome 帅气的 hard-working 勤劳的 honest 诚实的 intelligent 理解力强的 wise 明智的 warm-hearted 热心的 brave 勇敢的 selfless无私的 generous 慷慨的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 sincere 真诚的 willing to help 助人的 determined 坚定的 Q1: What kind of people do you think they are? They are________ people They are__________ people great famous What’s difference between famous people and great people? (1) go through many struggles and difficulties (2) selflessly give up something (3) make great contributions(贡献) to society (4) sacrifice to fight for the freedom or the rights A great person is someone who_______ his/her life to helping oth


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