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U3(选修六) Words and expressions 1.abuse?? n. 滥用,妄用;虐待,辱骂 弊病,陋习 vt. 滥用,妄用,虐待 e.g. He abused his power while in office.他在职时滥用权力。 Those captives were physically abused.那些俘虏遭受了肉体上的摧残 drug abuse 滥用毒品 child abuse 虐待儿童 abuse one’s position / power滥用职权/权利 abuse a privilege滥用特权 2. stress? n. 压力; 重音,重读 be under (the) stress (of) 在压力下suffer from stress遭受压力the stresses and strains of modern life现代生活的压力和紧张强调, 重要性 e.g. Some school lay / put /place stress on foreign language education.vt. 加压力于; 重读; 强调 e.g. He stressed the importance of the task. 3.ban???n.禁令,禁止??? a?ban on sth vt.禁止, 取缔ban sb. from (doing) sth. 颁布禁令impose a ban解除禁令lift a ban e.g. Our government has put/ imposed a ban on plastic bags. 4. due to??归因于, 归功于  e.g. The accident is due to your careless driving.?那意外事故归因于你驾驶不小心。be due to do sth 定于某时做某事e.g. He is due to speak at the meeting tomorrow. 可以被caused by 所代替 The train is due in five minutes.(预定的,预期的) My rent isn’t due till Wednesday.(到期的,立即支付的) In due course 在适当的时候 after due consideration经适当考虑之后 because of “由于”, 较口语化,只作状语 owing to 较正式,须用逗号与主句隔开 thanks to “多亏了” 多用于正面的意义 as a result of “因为” as a result 副短, “因此” therefore 副词, “因此” so并列连词, “因此”because of ,due to , owing to , on account of和 thanks to 的用法比较 这一词都表示“由于”的意思,在使用时应该注意以下区别: 1.because of意为“由于,因为”,强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分不用逗号隔开。 如:We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.  我们决不可因为这样一个小小的挫折而灰心丧气。2.owing to与because of一样,也强调因果关系,除作状语外,也可作表语。作状语时修饰整个句子,可在句首或句末,用逗号隔开。如: They decided to cancel the flight,owing to?the storm. 由于这场暴风雨,他们决定取消这个航班。 His death was owing to an accident.他死于一场事故。 3.due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语。作表语和状语时与owing to同义,作状语时,一般不与其他成分隔开。不用于句首。如This accident was due to(owing to)his careless driving.这次车祸是由于他开车疏忽大意造成的。 He arrived late due to(owing to)the storm.由于暴风雨他来晚了。 Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. 由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。 4.on account of与because of,owing to同义,但语气较为正式。可作状语、表语,不作定语。如: He could not come on account of his illness.他因病不能前来。 That was on


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