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2013年度雅思写作/口语考情 雅 思 写 作 IELTS Writing 雅思写作到底能不能预测? Yes! But…… Question 1 最新写作真题 A rise in standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities. What problems the difference caused? How to relieve the problem? (2013.10.26) 常规题型 Argumentation 特殊题型 Report 面对茫茫题海,应该如何准备? Question 2 可靠的预测 根据话题的考察概率确定每一种话题的复习比重 4-3-2-1 每一种类型话题挑选出最难题重点准备 Question3 雅思写作中最难的题目会难到什么程度? In some parts of the world, there is an increasing number of people trying to find out the history of their families. What are the reasons? Is this trend a positive or negative development? 2013年度雅思写作最难题 The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and consumer goods. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (2013.7.13) 中国考生雅思写作最普遍问题 “高分词汇”背的越多,雅思考试分数越低? Question4 像平板电脑这样的高科技电子设备在如今非常普遍。 High-tech gadgets like tablet computers are very common today. 6 High-tech gadgets like tablet computers are very prevalent today. 5 The application of high-tech gadgets like tablet computers is prevalent today. 7 Some people hold the opinion that museums should be an entertaining place for children to have fun. Some people harbor the notion that museums should be an entertaining place for children to have fun. Personally, I agree with this opinion. Personally, I sanction this opinion. 雅 思 口 语 IELTS Speaking 雅思口语是准备出来的。 Content Selection Examiner Oriented Mentality Who is your favorite TV host/hostess? 2013年雅思口语最难题 Describe an interesting historical event in your country. I think the story is interesting because Mulan ______________ (装成) herself as a guy but no one had ever realized she was actually a ‘she’. Pretend? Disguise! If children or adults pretend that they are doing something, they imagine that they are doing it, for example as part of a game.


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