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废旧电池的回收处理方法比较 Solid waste [Chengdu Dragon Star Natural Gas Co, Ltd.] Received date: 2002-12-24 Biography: Liao Rong (1956-), female, Sichuan, Yibin, graduated from Nanjing in January 1982 Associate Professor, School of chemistry and environmental protection engineering, Southwest University for nationalities. Comparison of recovery methods for waste batteries Liao Rong, Ma Chen, Jing Xiaoming, Zhang Lin, AOI, Wang Yingying (School of chemical and environmental protection engineering, Southwest University for Nationalities, Sichuan, Chengdu 610041, China) Abstract: after the waste battery is used up, it is not only used for recycling, but not only seriously polluting the environment, endangering human health, but also wasting precious metal resources. Therefore, it is reasonable to recycle Treatment of spent batteries is very important for environmental protection and recovery of heavy metals. In this paper, the methods of recovery and disposal of waste battery in China at present stage are analyzed The countrys recycling methods are compared. Key words: used batteries; recovery and treatment; environmental protection; analysis; comparison CLC number: X705, document identification code: B, article number: 1001-3644 (2003) 04-0078-05 Comparison, of, Ways, of, Recycle, and, Treatment, on, Battery, Waste LIAO, Rong, MA, Chen, JING, Xiao-ming, ZHANG, Lin, KUI, Li, WANG, Ying-ying (School, of, Chemistry, and, Environmental, Engineering, Southwest, University, ofNationalities, Chengdu610041, China) Abstract:If, the, batteries, were, used, up, any, recycle, and, treatment, which, can, pollute, the, environment, badly, do, harm, to, without People, s, health, and, waste, resources, metals., Therefore, it, is, important, to, recycle, and, treat, used, of, or, waste,, batteries, for,, the, heavy, metal, s Recycle., This, paper, analyses, ways, of, recycle, and, treatment, on, used, batteries, China, nowadays, in, compares, the, ways,, of, that, in, the, other Developed countri


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