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Unit 1 Lifelong Learning I. Teaching aims: to make the Ss get a general idea of lifelong learning II. Difficult points: exercises after class III. Key points: the usage of difficult sentences and important expressions. IV. Teaching content: Part A Lead-in Task 1 Study the pictures and discuss the questions below in small groups. Use the words given below if necessary. Suggested Answers: 1. Do you think it’s too late for middle-aged people to go to college? 2. What does the second picture tell us? 3. Why do you think lifelong learning is important? Language and Cultural Points in the Text Paragraph1 ◆erase: v. to remove all traces of something He erased the pencil marks to keep the book clean. 为保持书的整洁,他擦去了铅笔痕迹。 She had to erase all thoughts of failure from her mind. 她必须抹去头脑中所有有关失败的记忆。 Paragraph 2 devalue: v. to give a lower value to something e.g. Let’s not devalue his works unjustly. 我们不要不公正地贬低他的作品。 devalue the dollar, pound, mark 使美元、英镑、马克贬值 spring up: to appear, develop, grow quickly or suddenly e.g. Weeds are springing up everywhere. 很快到处都长满了杂草。 New houses were springing up all over the town. 全镇各处很快盖起了新房子。 stingy: a. spending, using or giving unwillingly; mean e.g. Don’t be so stingy with the sugar! 别那么吝惜糖! It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy. 说来真,这么有钱的人居然那么小气。 Paragraph 3 upgrade: v. to raise sb./sth. to a higher grade or rank e.g. She was upgraded to sales director. 她被提升为销售总监。 The money will enable us to upgrade the town’s leisure facilities. 我们可用这笔钱来更新镇上的休闲设施。 caution: v. to warn (sb.) to be careful e.g. We were cautioned not to drive too fast. 有人提醒我们不要把车开得太快。 I must caution you against the danger. 我必须告诫你要谨防危险。 transferable: a. able to be moved from one place, person or use to another e.g. I’d like to remind you that this ticket is not transferable. 我想提醒您,该票不可以转让。 We aim to provide our students with transferable skills. 我们旨在培养学生掌握灵活的技能。 consult: v. to go to (a person, book, etc) for information, advice, etc. e.g. con


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