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I. Uses of present perfective 1. have/ has + ed分词构成 2. 两个主要用法:已完成用法;未完成用法 I have eaten my dinner. (发生在过去某时的动作到现在已经完成。) He has lived here for 10 years/ since 1999. (发生在过去某时的动作一直持续到现在有 可能继续。) * * Key Points: Uses of present perfective (progressive) 2. Uses of past perfective (progressive) 3. 区别:已完成用法通常不与段时间连用,未完成用法常与段时间连用。 I have finished my homework. 已完成用法 I have known him for 8 years. 未完成用法 II. Uses of present perfective progressive 1. have/ has been +ing分词构成 2. 用法与现在完成体未完成用法相仿,可以互换 He has lived here for 10 years. He has been living here for 10 years. (强调一种持续性) 3. 不能互换,比较: Who has eaten my dinner? (全吃光) Who has been eating my dinner? (有剩余) Example: 我工作了整整一天。 I have been working all day. 我学英语学了好些年了。 I have been learning English for quite a few years. 我真累了。我一直在打羽毛球,我已经很长时间没打。 I am really tired. I have been playing badminton. I haven’t played for a long time. 我认识这位作家有些年了,我一直都在读他写的小说。 I have known this writer for several years. I have been reading his novels. III. Uses of past perfective 1. had + ed 分词构成 2. 两个主要用法:已完成用法;未完成用法 相对的时间是过去:过去的过去,在过去某时之前发生的动作。 I had eaten my dinner before they came. 已完成 He told me that he had lived here for 10 years. 未完成 Example: 当我们到达操场的时候,比赛已经开始了。 When we got to / reached the playground, the match/game had begun. 我还没来得及向他解释,他就走了。 Before I explained to him, he had left. IV. Uses of past perfective progressive 1. had been+ ing 分词构成 2. 与现在完成进行体用法相仿,只是时间推移 到了过去。 Example: 在他大学毕业之前,他一直在努力地学习电脑。 Before he graduated from the college, he had been making efforts to learn computer. 在老师到来之前,我已经在教室呆了五分钟了。 By the time the teacher came, I had been staying in the classroom for 5 minutes. 3. when/ before/ after/ until 引导的分句中过去完成体的用法。 表示动作先后,可以互换: When they came, I had eaten my dinner. I had eaten my dinner before they came. After I had eaten my dinner, they came. They didn’t come until I had eaten my dinner. By the time t


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