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board n. 【1】 a long thin flat piece of cut wood 长形木板 e.g. He ran to the end of the spring board and dived into the water. 他跑上跳板,跳入水中。 【2】 an official body or group that has responsibility for a particular organization or activity 委员会;董事会;(官方的)部;局 e.g. The board of education of our school is made up of five members. 我校的教务委员会由五位成员组成。 v. get into (a ship or public vehicle); go on board 登上(船或其他公共交通工具) e.g. He walked to the gate, showed his ticket, and boarded the plane. 他走到登机口,出示机票后就登上了飞机。 Exercises New Words Exercises board 2. 经董事会讨论,公司决定购买新机器。 The firm decided after a board meeting that new machines should be bought. 1. 护士用胶带将他的手臂固定在一块板上,这样针头就固定了。 The nurse taped his arm to a board so that the needle would stay in place. New Words 3. 那名男子本想飞往加州,但是他却上了去北京的航班。 The man wanted to travel to California, but he boarded the flight which flew to Beijing. Exercises agree with 意见(感觉、目的)一致;同意 他的想法太怪了, 所以我们不同意。 e.g. Please put up your hand if you don’t agree with me. 不同意的人请举手。 Expressions We don’t agree with him because his idea seems so strange. Exercises have nothing to do with 与······毫无关系 他的话和眼下讨论的问题毫无关联。 e.g. Her worry has nothing to do with her job. 她的忧虑和工作没有关系。 Expressions What he said has nothing to do with the question at hand. Exercises stop... from 阻止 人们把莱特兄弟称为疯子,但是这并没有阻挡他们成为最先制造和驾驶飞机的人。 e.g. The heavy fog stopped planes from taking off. 大雾阻止了飞机起飞。 Expressions People called the Wright brothers mad but it did not stop them from becoming the first men to make and fly a plane. Exercises even so 尽管如此 我头疼得厉害,尽管如此,我还是去听音乐会了。 e.g. There are many spelling mistakes; even so it’s quite a good essay. 文章中拼写错误不少,尽管如此,它不失为一篇好文章。 Expressions I had a terrible headache, but even so I went to the concert. Exercises Using the Right Word Working with Expressions Focusing on Sentence Structure Translating Using Topic-relat



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