旅游安徽Anhui travlling.ppt

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旅游安徽Anhui travlling

山水篇 Landscape Poems 黄山(Mount Huangshan) 九华山(Mount Jiuhua) 天堂寨(Heaven Village) 太平湖(Taiping lake) 巢湖 (Chaohu Lake) 安丰塘 (Anfeng Tang) Eat in Heaven Village 古徽派建筑群(The ancient Huizhou architecture) 黄梅戏(Huangmei Drama) 徽菜(Anhui cuisine) 飞檐翘角 粉墙黛瓦color white and black are used as element colors in building of HuiZhou district, it’s a kind of architectural feature in HuiZhou Anhui cuisine (Hui Cai for short), one of the eight most famous cuisines in China, features the local culinary arts of Huizhou. It comprises the specialties of South Anhui, Yanjiang and Huai Bei. The highly distinctive characteristic of Anhui cuisine lies not only in the elaborate choices of cooking materials but also in the strict control of cooking process. 火腿炖甲鱼 Stewed soft shell turtle with ham One whole soft shell turtle, pork, ham, bamboo shoots, a clove of garlic, shallot, ginger, soy sauce, salt, rice wine, black pepper, lard are all stewed together in a pot on charcoal fire. The dish is not greasy and can lead diners to endless aftertastes. 李鸿章杂烩Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch Li Hongzhang hotchpotch is a popular dish named after one of Anhuis famous personages. Li Hongzhang was a top official of the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911 AD). When he was in office, he paid a visit to the US and hosted a banquet for all his American friends. As the specially prepared dishes continued to flow, the chefs, with limited resources, began to fret. Upon Li Hongzhangs order, the remaining kitchen ingredients were thrown together into an impromptu stew, containing sea cucumber, squid, tofu, ham, mushroom, chicken meat and other less identifiable food materials! Thus appetites were quenched and a dish was created. 善舞红袖传飞鸿 莫言深闺空寂寞 classic works The beauty 天仙配 The female Son-in-law 女驸马 The romance between cow-herd and weaving-fairy 牛郎织女 The lady from Huichou 徽州女人 严凤英、王少舫、张云风、潘璟琍、黄宗毅、黄新德、马兰、袁玫、周珊等。 Anhu


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