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The C-E Transaltion of Tourist Materials II 1. How to translate place names 汉语地名构成: 专名(specific terms):用于区分各个地理实体 通名(generic terms):用于区分地理实体类别 1)专名(音译)+ 通名(音译) 2)专名(音译)+ 通名(意译) 3)专名(意译)+ 通名(意译) 2. Common strategies for C-E place name translation 1)多音节专名:专名(音译)+ 通名(意译) 2)单音节专名:专名通名(音译)+ 通名(意译) 3)通名专名化:音译 4)含有修饰词的整体化专名:音译 5)行政区域化的专名:意译 5) 2、四字格的处理 重庆幅员辽阔,域内江河纵横,峰峦叠翠。 Chongqing covers a large area crisscrossed by rivers and mountains. 一棵拔地而起、虬枝劲挺的苍松 a towering sturdy pine, age-old yet still thick of foliage 一会儿,进入一段狭长的窄滩,顿时骇浪陡起,惊涛拍岸,声若沉雷轰鸣,山鸣谷应。 Soon we entered a long narrow stretch of shallows. There, fierce waves surged wall-high, then broke against the banks like muffled thunderclaps; the crashes echoed and re-echoed throughout the valleys. 郁郁葱葱的峰岭之间,一条碧澄的玉带逶迤而过,这是美丽的富春江。Above the Qiantang River, the picturesque Fuchun River stretches itself through the green and luxuriant hills and is said to resemble a clear jade ribbon. (Refer to CATTI3, p.121) (杭州)境内西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光绮丽。 Hangzhou’s West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with green hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 杭州的春天,淡妆浓抹,无不相宜;夏日荷香阵阵,沁人心脾;秋天桂枝飘香,菊花斗艳;冬日琼装玉琢,俏丽媚人。西湖以变幻多姿的风韵,令人心旷神怡。 Sunny or rainy, Hangzhou looks its best in spring. In summer, lotus flowers bloom. Their fragrance brings joy to one’s soul and refreshes the mind. Autumn brings with it the sweet scent of osmanthus flowers along with chrysanthemums in full bloom. In winter, the wintry snow scenes can be likened to an exquisite jade carving. West Lake’s beauty is ever changing but never fail to entice and entrance. (注意主语的变换和构句的合法性。) Jiuzhaigou, Chinas Fairyland Sichuan Province in southwest China is renowned for its many fascinating natural wonders which have attracted millions of travelers over the centuries. The recent discovery of the scenic beauty of Jiuzhaigou (Nine Village Ravine) has added charm to the picturesque landscape. Known as Chinas Fairyland, Jiuzhaigou is located


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