牛津译林版英语9B Unit1 welcome to unit课件(共30张PPT).ppt

牛津译林版英语9B Unit1 welcome to unit课件(共30张PPT).ppt

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牛津译林版英语9B Unit1 welcome to unit课件(共30张PPT)

6. The man was _____ at the ____ news. amazed; amazing B. amazed; amazed C. amazing; amazing D. amazing; amazed 7. The boy said he couldnt walk any more, he needed _____. A. to take rest B. to have a rest C. having a rest D. having rest 8. I saw a watch lying on the road _____ way _____. in my; home B. on my; to home C. in my; to home D. on my; home A B D 9. Is ____necessary to complete the design before National Day? A. this B. that C. it D. he 10. ____is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It C D * * Singapore Japan Thailand India Korea British exchange students As the host, are you willing to introduce some Chinese things to them? What Chinese things have you known? Chinese things Group work Have a discussion dragon dance What is dragon dance used for? Dragon dance is a kind of traditional __________ . It is usually used for the celebrations of __________________and _______________________. Chinese art the Spring Festival the opening of new stores Chinese knot Chinese paper-cutting Chinese knot and Chinese paper-cutting are another two kinds of traditional Chinese art. When the Spring Festival or the wedding day is coming, we hang _____________ in the rooms and put up ____________________ on the walls, the doors or the windows. They represent ___________ and ___________. Chinese knots Chinese paper-cuttings happiness good luck Do you know other Chinese things? Shadow play 皮影戏 Chinese?calligraphy 中国书法 ?lantern 灯笼 scale 秤 Sedan chair 轿子 Chinese china 中国瓷器 Lucky Character 福字贴 Part A dragon dance Chinese opera chopsticks Chinese knot Chinese paper-cutting kung fu What place do you want to visit most in China? Group work Have a discussion Im planning to travel around China. Where shall I visit first? Kevin Millie Listen Answer 1. Which city does Millie advise Kevin to visit first? 2. Which wonderful places can Kevin


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