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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sometimes people also define “bags”, which are unordered collections in which duplicates matter. If you have a bag of coins, they are in no particular order, but it matters how many coins of each type you have. * Usually AxBxC is defined as {(a,b,c) | a is in A and b is in B and c is in C}. * * * * * * * * We will see this basic counting principle again when we talk about combinatorics. * NOT (x in A - x in B) = NOT (x not in A or x in B) (defn. of implies) = x in A AND x not in B (DeMorgan’s law). * * * * Note that set difference and complement do not relate to each other like arithmetic difference and negative. In arithmetic, we know that a-b = -(b-a). But in sets, A-B is not generally the same as the complement of B-A. * * * A membership table is like a truth table. * * * * * * * * * * So, for example, on a 64-bit processor, using just a single machine-language instruction you can calculate the union or intersection of two sets out of a universe of discourse having up to 64 elements. This leads to an extremely fast way of doing complicated calculations on small sets. It is not a good method for large, sparsely populated sets, because searching the bit string to find which bits are “1” can take a long time. * * * * Matrix Products For an m?k matrix A and a k?n matrix B, the product AB is the m?n matrix: I.e., the element of AB indexed (i,j) is given by the vector dot product of the ith row of A and the jth column of B (considered as vectors). Note: Matrix multiplication is not commutative! Matrix Product Example An example matrix multiplication to practice in class: n n Identity Matrices The identity matrix of order n, In, is the rank-n square matrix with 1’s along the upper-left to lower-right diagonal, and 0’s everywhere else. Kronecker Delta ?1≤i,j≤n Review: Matrices, so far Matrix sums and products: A+B = [ai,j+bi,j] Identity matrix of order n: In = [?


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