综英III unit7课后.ppt

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综英III unit7课后

Reference Answers for Integrated English Course Book III Unit 7 Ⅳ 1. “Just because I am able to do you a favor/sell you the love potion, I feel safe telling you so much about my other medicines.” 2. “They, the love potions,” said the old man, “will help change the girl’s attitude towards you. She will no longer hold you in contempt. Instead, she will begin to give you her deep-felt love and care. Ⅰ 1. ?feeling?very?much?worried?and?afraid;? 2?everything?I?sell?could?be?well?deemed?as? extraordinary;? 3?difficult?to?notice;? 4?much?more?lasting?than?only?the?momentary impulse;? 5 ?with?enthusiasm II (1)creaky;? (2)peered;? (3)acquaintance;? (4)detachment;?? (5)raptures;? (6)giddy;? (7)overwhelmed;? (8)obliged III (1)obscurity;? (2)acquainted;? (3)perceptible; (4)apprehension;? ?(5)indifferent;? (6)rapt;? (7)overwhelmingly; (8)?disobliging Ⅳ (1)save?up; (2)care?about;? (3)indulges?in;? (4)reached?for;?? (5)peered?about;? (6)deals?in;? (7)was?substituted;? (8)better?off. Ⅴ (1)perceptible?(perceivable,?noticeable);? (2)?postmortem;? (3)anxiously?(fearfully);? (4)temporary?(transient);? (5)?grave (cheerless);? (6)?profoundly (rigorously,?strongly);? (7)?apathetically (indifferently);? (8)?reason; Ⅵ (1)expect;? (2)have;? (3)accept;? (4)imagine;? (5)was;? (6)work?out; (7)became?popular; (8)demanded Ⅰ 1~4?CDAB??5~8?BCDC II 1. Music Mary likes; sports she doesn’t. 2. Growl you will, and go you must. 3. They have promised to finish the work, and finish it they will. 4. His face not many admired, while his character still fewer could praise. 5. A professor he was, but in name only. 6. He might have agreed under pressure; willingly he would never. 7. This question we have already discussed at some length. 8. Talent Mike has; capital Mike has not. III 1. They pronounced guilty every one of the accused. 2. He had called an idiot the man on whose judgment he now had to rely. 3. We cannot set totally aside a whole system of rules devised by Congress itself.


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