综英Lesson Fifteen.ppt

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综英Lesson Fifteen

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Paragraph 4 to have not scrupled to do sth: not to have any moral considerations in doing sth bad 有顾忌;踌躇 scruple:hesitate on moral grounds e.g. He didn’t scruple to speak ill of others. Paragraph 5 In the course of my experiments I convinced myself that among the animals man is the only one that harbors insults and injuries, broods over them, waits till a chance offers, then takes revenge. to harbor: to have a hope, fear … in mind over a long period of a time e.g. She begins to harbor resentments that can turn to hate. to brood over: to think about sth for a long time because it makes you angry or worried 老是想着 (不愉快的事) (P) During the experiments I make myself believe that among the animals man is the one that remembers insults and injuries, thinks about them for a long time, waits until a chance comes up and then takes revenge. (T)在试验过程中,我确信在所有的动物之中,人是唯一一种将侮辱和伤害记在心头、无法释怀并伺机报复的动物。高级动物则没有这种报复欲。 Harem英 [hɑ:ri:m]美 [h?r?m, h?r-] If a man, especially a Muslim, has several wives or sexual partners living in his house, they can be referred to as his harem.? (尤指伊斯兰教徒的)妻妾,女眷 Paragraph 6 to allow no hand in making: to deny the right to do sth. Paragraph 7 Cats are loose in their morals. loose: (old-fashioned) behaving in a way that is considered to be sexually immoral 放荡的 the saving grace (7): the quality that makes up for the negative characteristics 可取之处,足以弥补缺点的优点 to be alive to: to be conscious or aware of e.g. He was alive to the danger. Paragraph 8 Why does the author think that the man has the need to blush? to have occasion to do sth: to have the need to do sth e.g. The gun will stay where it is until I have occasion to use it. King John of England (1199-1216) The youngest son of Henry II Murdered his nephew by using a red-iron King Richard (1157-1199), the second son of Henry II The Lion-Hearted, A symbol of bravery to inflict on sb: to make sb suffer sth unpleasant t


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