综英3-10 Bargain.ppt

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综英3-10 Bargain

Andy Rooney (1919—) CBS news correspondent, is a famous American humorist, columnist, writer and producer. He has won the Writers Guild award (编剧公会奖) for Best Script of the Year six times, and Emmy awards (艾美奖) three times for his essays in his program “A few Minutes with Andy Rooney”. Time magazine once described him as “the most felicitous (adj. 善于措词的) non-fiction writer in television”. Ref. /sections/60minutes/rooney/main3419.shtml the orthodox definition: the traditional or conventional definition advantageous: favorable, beneficial You’re in a very advantageous position. 你处于非常有利的地位。 This is advantageous to our nation. 这对我们民族有利。 a bargain is a dirty trick to extort money from the pockets of silly and innocent people. “bargain”指的是从愚蠢无知的人们口袋中敲诈金钱的卑鄙伎俩。 extort: to secure (money, favors, etc.) by intimidation, violence, or the misuse of influence or authority board of directors 董事会 board meeting 董事会议 take the following lines 以下列的方式进行 a decent price: a fair price, a reasonable price a decent dress for the dance live a decent life earn a decent wage to start with: 从…开始,作为开始 The club had only six members to start with. 这个俱乐部最初只有六个成员. He had nothing to start with. 开始时他一无所有。 To start with we havent enough money, and secondly were too busy. 一来我们的钱不够, 二来我们没时间. novelty: the quality of being new and fresh and interest in (1) 新奇;新颖;新鲜 (uncountable noun) At first I enjoyed all the parties, but the novelty soon wore off. 起初我喜欢参加一切聚会, 但这种新奇感很快就消失了。 (2) 新奇的事物(或人、环境) (countable noun) It was quite a novelty to spend my holidays working on a boat. 在船上工作来度过我的假期是件相当新奇的事。 whereupon: accordingly, as a result He insulted her, whereupon she slapped him. 他侮辱她, 于是她给了他一巴掌。 Notes: old-fashioned words where: whereby (by which), wherefore (for which), wherein (in which), where of (of which) here: hereby (by means of this), herein (in this place, thing, respect, etc.), hereof (of this) there


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