美国路易斯安娜购地案 Louisiana Purchase.ppt

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美国路易斯安娜购地案 Louisiana Purchase

The Final Offer How about $15 million for ALL of it? Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Perigord, the French Minister of Foreign Relations Robert Livingston, Minister to France Let’s see James, Congress only gave us $10 million. James Monroe, Minister to France and Spain A Waste of Money? Amazed by the offer, Jefferson accepted and rushed the treaty through Congress, in spite of doubts about its constitutionality. Federalists attacked the purchase not only as a blatant use of executive power, but as a waste of money. Nevertheless, the treaty was signed. Louisiana Purchase Treaty What Jefferson Got April 30, 1803 - the United States negotiates the purchase of the Louisiana Territory including the port of New Orleans from France for $15 million. With a stroke of a pen America doubled in size, making it one of the largest nations in the world. $15,000,000! A Sweet Deal! The sale included over 600 million acres at a cost of less than 3 cents an acre in what today is the better part of 13 states between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi River. Without Shedding A Single Drop of Blood! For President Thomas Jefferson it was a diplomatic and political triumph. In one fell swoop the purchase of Louisiana ended the threat of war with France and opened up the land west of the Mississippi to settlement. The Transfer of Louisiana in St. Louis, 1804. The Heart of America: New Lands to Explore The Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806 The Greatest Land Deal in the History of the United States! The Louisiana Purchase Where Was the Original Louisiana Territory? Who Claimed the Louisiana Territory? Native Americans French British Spanish Americans Native Americans 14,000 years ago — Native Americans began to occupy the lower Mississippi Valley. Mississippi mound builders French 1682 — French explorers claimed the entire Mississippi River drainage and named it for King Louis V. 1722 — New Orleans, established by a private French trading company for the shipment of expor


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