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第一套 一、词汇选项(共15道题,每道题1.0分) 1.The fuel tanks had a?capacity?of 140 liters. A:function B:ability C:power D:volume 2.Our statistics show that we?consume?all that we are capable of producing A:waste B:buy C:use D:sell 3.It is no use?debating?the relative merits of this policy. A:making B:taking C:discussing D:expecting 4.He talks tough but has a?tender?heart. A:heavy B:strong C:kind D:wild 5.The union representative?put across?her argument very effectively. A:explained B:invented C:considered D:accepted 6.Our lives are?intimately?bound up with theirs. A:tensely B:nearly C:carefully D:closely 7.The?outlook?from the top of the mountain is breathtaking. A:view B:sight C:look D:point 8.Accordingly, a number of other methods have been employed A:Therefore B:Afterwards C:However D:Furthermore 9.The report?advocated?setting up day training colleges. A:supposed B:excited C:suggested D:discussed 10.Up to now, the work has been easy. A:So B:So long C:So that D:So far 11.Norman Blamey is an artist of deep?convictions. A:statements B:beliefs C:suggestions D:claims 12.In the latter case the?outcome?can be serious indeed A:result B:judgment C:decision D:event 13.Even in a highly modernized country,?manual?work is still needed. A:physical B:mental C:natural D:hard 14.Can you?follow?the plot? A:change B:investigate C:write D:understand 15.The high-speed trains can have a major?impact?on travel preferences. A:force B:influence C:surprise D:power 二、阅读判断(共7道题,每道题1.0分。) How to Argue with Your Boss?   Before you argue with your boss, check with the bosss secretary to determine his mood. If he ate nails for breakfast, it is not a good idea to ask him for something. Even without the bosss secretary, there are keys to timing: dont approach the boss when hes on deadline; dont go in right before lunch, when he


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