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电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 研究生专业外语 电气与自动化工程学院 电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 信息与电气工程学院 自动控制原理经典部分 电气与自动化工程学院 研究生专业外语 * 第一章 自动控制理论 * * 第一章 自动控制理论 1-1 自动控制系统概述 1-2 经典控制理论 1-3 现代控制理论 * * 4. 稳定性(Stability) Leaving the concepts of controllability and observability, we need to reexamine the concepts and definitions of stability with regard to continuous-variable systems in general. A system is said to be stable if trajectories leaving an initial state return to and remain within a specified region surrounding an equilibrium state. This general definition of stability is often referred to as stability in the sense of Lyapunov and permits limit cycles and vortices. * If the trajectories of a system that is stable in the sense of Lyapunov eventually converge to the equilibrium state, the system is said to be asymptotically stable. asymptotically 渐进地 If the system is stable only for initial states within a bounded region of state space, it is said to be locally stable or stable in the small. If it is stable for all initial states within the entire state space, it is said to be globally stable or stable in the large. * 5. 最优控制(Optimum Control) In recent years much attention has been focused upon optimizing the behavior of system. A particular problem may concern maximizing the rang of a rocket, maximizing the profit of a business, minimizing the error in estimation of position of an object, minimizing the energy or cost required to achieve some required terminal state, or any of a vast variety of similar statements. The search for the control which attains the desired objective while minimizing (or maximizing) a defined system criterion constitutes the fundamental problem of optimization theory. * 最优控制理论研究的主要问题是: 根据已建立的被控对象数学模型,选择一个容许的控制律,使得被控对象按预定要求运行,并使给定的某一性能指标达到极小值或极大值。 从数学观点,最优控制理论研究的问题是求解一类带有约束条件的泛函极值问题,属于变分学的范畴。 * 经典变分法只能解决容许控制属于开集的一类最优控制问题(即控制无约束),而在工程实践中所遇到的多为容许控制属于闭集的一类最优控制问题(即控制有约束),这就要求人们研究新方法。 动态规划法和极小值原理。 * 动


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