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第一课:Rock Superstars: What Do They Tell Us about Ourselves and Our Society 1、章节知识点 1) 背景知识(Background knowledge) Rock Music 2) 课文要义(Main idea of the text) The author focuses on the social influences of the rock music in terms of sociology. By contrasting different attitudes toward the rock among the young and adult audience, the author points out that rock is served as an expression of social ideas, and also provides a debating stage for different ideas. Rock n roll stars express the young generations viewpoints on various political and social problems, and also help the society see its own beliefs and attitudes, and express the young mens feelings and hope. 3) 词汇 (Vocabulary) a.???? sprinkle b.???? adulation c.????? reject d.???? embody e.????? editorialize f.?????? bewilderment g.???? urge h.???? drive i.?????? celebrate j.?????? mirror 4) 短语 (Expressions) a.???? dressed in sth b.???? act out c.????? rather than d.???? sing of e.????? in return f.?????? conceive of 5) 词语辨析 (Word analysis) a.???? adulation, admiration b.???? argue, debate c.????? arrogant, proud d.???? conceive, imagine e.????? confuse, bewilder f.?????? ideal, idealistic g.???? mix, blend h.???? ramble, rumble 6) 难句理解(Sentence comprehension) a.???? They think he’s sick, sick, sick. b.???? Horowitz sees the rock music arena as a sort of debating forum, a place where ideas clash and crash. c.????? Newspapers editorialized against him. d.???? Most of the older viewers frowned, while most of the younger viewers applauded. e.????? He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of an older generation. f.?????? The Beatles urged peace and piety. 2、考核知识点 本课文章中作者着重从社会学的角度探讨摇滚乐的社会意义。学生要掌握课文中出现的重点词汇的用法、语境及同义词的辨析,能够用英文解释本课文章中的长难句,并能够给出恰当的中文翻译。综合相关的词汇、句法结构写作有关摇滚乐社会视角的评论文章。 3、重点及难点 1) 课文重点段落:2、4、5、6 2) 重点词语:adulation、disaffection、embody、reverence、sprinkle、swelter 3) 重点短语:conceive of:设想,想象、see……as:把……视为,把……当作、rather than:不是……而是……、take place:发生 4、考核要求 深入理解文章内容并能用英文回答有关课文内容的问题;学会使用文章中出现重点词汇,并能掌握相关的词义辨析,了解其使用的相关语境;能够


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