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22. Let’s smash it and build something better on the ruins. on the ruins : the remains of destroyed or decaying or town 废墟,遗迹,残骸。 the ruins of a castle 一座城堡的废墟 23. These are the ones whose revolution did not come off, ... come off : happen , occur 发生。 The invasion came off last week. To be effective or successful 生效,成功。 She didn‘t come off well in the interview. 她的面试不很成功。 24. I am not, of course , suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing . accomplish : bring to a successful conclusion ; achievement 完成。 accomplish something / a great deal / miracles 实现某种目标/取得很大成就/实现奇迹 accomplish : skilled , expert 熟练的,内行的。 an accomplish golf player 技术精湛的高尔夫运动员 accomplishment (s) 修养,才艺。 a woman of many accomplishments 多才多艺的女人 disillusionment n. 醒悟,幻想破灭 e.g. in a state of complete disillusionment 彻底自幻想中醒悟 disillusion v. 使觉醒,使幻想破灭  e.g. They had thought that the new colony would be a paradise, but they were soon disillusioned. Disillusioned adj. disappointed 大失所望. e.g. She is disillusioned with her friends. Accomplish v. succeed in doing finish successfully 成功完成 e.g. a man who will never accomplish anything 永远一事无成的人 accomplishment n. completion 完成 For the better The weather has taken a turn for the better. My fortune has changed for the better. His health has changed for the better. 好转,向好的方向发展 Be bound to be bound to do the work 有义务做这工作 It is inevitable that nationality clothing would be bound to be of fashion. 民族服装走向时装化,已是一个不可避免的趋势。 Be bound for 开往…,以…为目的地 25. For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of , cleansed of all human meanness . cleanse : make clean 清洗。 She cleansed the wound with alcohol . 她用酒精清洗伤口。 cleanse sin from the soul = cleanse the soul of sin 清洗灵魂的罪恶 Dawn on/upon sb(p1):begin to appear; grow clear ( to the mind); (白昼)来临于(某处); 给(某处)以光明 逐渐(被人)知晓, 明白 The chilling truth began to dawn on him. It has just dawned on me that I can do it if I believe I can. It gradually


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