英语语音语调 unit 3.ppt

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英语语音语调 unit 3

Lecture Three English Phonemes IIIIV Revision 概念1:音素和音标( phonemes and transcription) 音素是语言最小的语音单位,例如book /b ? k/是由/b/ /?/ /k/3个音组成,音素能区别词汇意义,能把同一个词的一种语法形式和另一种形式区别开来,如bed -- bad(不同词汇意义); man –men (不同语法意义)。 每一个英语单词都有语音形式和书写形式。音标就是词的语音形式,是用来标记每一个词或字母的读音的书面符号。 概念2:元音和辅音 (vowels and consonants) 元音:发音响亮,都是乐音,声带震动。发音时口腔中气流不受阻碍,是构成音节的主要音素。英语的元音分为单元音和双元音两类。 辅音:发音不响亮,都是嗓音。发音时口腔中气流受阻碍。辅音构不成音节(成节音除外)。 音节:由元音和辅音构成的发音单位。例如:ap-ple, stu-dent,tea-cher ,un-der-stand 复习前一星期要掌握的音素 前元音/i:/ /I/以及辅音/r/ /n/ /l/ 后元音/ ? / /C:/以及辅音/s/ /f/ /W/ Tongue twister for /n/: /l/ There is no need to light a night light on a night like tonight. For a bright night light is just like a slight light. Lesson One Minimal pairs /e/ :/eI/ /F/ :/s/ /F/ :/tF/ /e/前元音(the front vowels), 发音时,舌端抵下齿,前台抬起,但抬得不如/i:/高,双唇稍扁,牙床近乎半开,是短音。 音素体验: seven beds; the next lesson; fresh and energetic; ten desks; the best text; wet with sweat Contrasting /i:/, /?/, and/e/ / i:/ high, front, unrounded vowel / I / lower high, front, unrounded vowel / e / mid, front, unrounded vowel /i:/ /?/ /e/ 1. peat pit pet 2. teen tin ten 3. keen kin ken 4. beat bit bet 5. dean din den 6. feed fid fed 7. heed hid head 8. lead lid led 9. seat sit set 10. mean min men diphthong (双元音) A diphthong is a glide from one vowel to another. It is pronounced as one syllable. The loudness becomes less as the glide goes on, so the second element of the diphthong is only lightly sounded. This single syllable, which is articulated with a single breath, is quite different from two separate syllables. The diphthongs of English are in two groups: one is the closing diphthongs which end in /I/ and / ? /, and the other is centering diphthongs which end in /?/ (T pronounces respectively the simple vowels and diphthongs clearly, loudly and slowly, Ss listen closely and quietly for the correct pronunciatio


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