英语阅读词汇测试 6 答案.doc

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英语阅读词汇测试 6 答案

UNIT 7 PASSAGE ONE Is there anything more boring than hearing about someone elses dream? And is there anything more miraculous than having one of your own? The voluptuous撩人的,令人感到舒适的 pleasure of Haruki Murakamis enthralling吸引人的 fictions-full of enigmatic神秘的 imagery意象, random nonsense, and profundities深度,深奥that may or may not hold up in the light of day-reminds me of dreaming. Like no other author I can think of, Murakami captures the juxtapositions并列 of the trivial and the momentous重要的,重大的 that characterize dream life, those crazy incidents that seem so vivid in the moment and so blurry模糊的,不清楚的 and preposterous荒谬的,可笑的 later on. His characters live ordinary lives, boiling pasta for lunch, riding the bus, and blasting Prince while working out at the gym. Then suddenly and matter-of-factly, they do something utterly nuts, like strike up a conversation with a coquettish卖弄风情的 Siamese cat. Or maybe mackerel and sardines begin to rain from the sky. In Murakamis world, these things make complete, cock-eyed扭曲的 sense. Like many of Murakamis heroes, Kafka Tamura in Kafka on the Shore has more rewarding relationships with literature and music than with people. (Murakamis passion for music is infectious; nothing made me want to rush out and purchase a Brahms CD until I read his Sputnik Sweetheart.) On his 15th birth day, Kafka runs away from his Tokyo home for obscure晦涩的,模糊的 reasons related to his famous sculptor雕塑家 father. His choice of a destination is arbitrary任意的,武断的. Or is it? Shikoku, I decide. Thats where Ill go... The more I look at the map-actually every time I study it-the more I feel Shikoku tugging at me. On the island of Shikoku, Kafka makes himself a fixture at the local library, where he settles into a comfortable sofa and starts reading The Arabian Nights: Like the genie in the bottle they have this sort of vital, living sense of play, of freedom that common sense cant keep bottled up. As in a David Lynch movie, all the library staffers are philosophical e


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