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[Slang] Whats the meaning of Drop the ball ? A 把球丢掉 B 把球捡起来 C 没有完成任务 D 完成任务 Check out Word Reference: depart v. 离开,启程;a. 逝世的 depart for 开往…;去往…;动身去… depart from 离开;开出;从……出发 departure n.离开;出发;违背 laundry n. 洗衣店,洗熨 appreciate v.感激,赏识 eg: I really appreciate your help. efficient a. 有效率的,能干的 inquire v. 询问,查究 Word Reference: stress v.强调;n. 强调,压力 attitude n. 态度,看法(towards) apt a. 有…倾向的,灵巧的 (to) eg, People are more apt to seek support from family and friends, when they suffer. incur v.招致 incur hatred 结怨 hereafter ad.今后,从此以后 The Hereafter 来世 Sweet Hereafter 意外的春天 From Hereafter 从此后 As we all know, checking out for guests is the most important duty that the front cashier has. Departing guests especially appreciate efficient check-out procedures. The cashier’s station is where the guests go to check out and settle their bills. Thus the cashiers are the last members in the front office to come into direct contact with the guests. As has been repeatedly stressed, first and last impression carries the most weight. The last is probably even more important. That is the impression that the guests carry home and is most apt to remember. It probably affects their attitude in later discussing the service of the hotel with their friends and business associates, and may decide whether they will come to the hotel again or not. A pleasant greeting when the guests come to settle their bills is necessary. Moreover, the effect of fast and efficient service in checking them out is obvious. When handling check-out, the cashiers are trained to inquire about every recent charge, which may be unrecorded. All charges that a guest incurs must be entered, or posted, on his or her accounts as soon as possible. In addition to the charge for the guest’s room, there may also be charge


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