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Unit 6 Healthy Diet Reading: Test Your Nutrition IQ 一.预习案 1. variety n. _________ a variety of / varieties of _______________ 2. get…from…__________________ 短语归纳 get down to_________________ get over________________ get through_________________ get up________________ 3 .balance vt. ___________ n. _________________ 保持平衡___________________失去平衡___________________ 4. 饮食,食物 n.________ 节食_________________ 5. 提供 vi. 为某人提供….______________=__________________ 6. 取决于…;依赖…..______________________ 在口语中意为 “看情况,视情况而定”时,有________________, __________________和____________________三种说法。 二.Language focus 1.As long as people eat enough dairy food, eggs, and meat, they can get essential protein. 翻译: As long as……引导的是____________, 意为___________。 仿写:人们只要吃足够的奶制品、蛋和肉就能得到基本的蛋。_______________________________________ 2. Eating a hard-boiled egg or orange as a snacks can contribute to a well- balanced diet. 翻译:_________________________________________ Eating a hard-boiled…. 是____________做_________ contribute to_______________, n._______________ 仿写:吸烟对大家的身体有害。 3. But remember that nutrition is a complex and growing science and that today’s beliefs may be changed as new information becomes available. 翻译____________________________________________________________________ a.这是一个____________句。 b.两个that 引导的都是___________从句。第一个that可以省略;第二个that 不能省略。 c. as 引导的是________从句。 仿写:一定要记住学习是个复杂而缓慢的过程,它需要付出很大的努力。 ________________________________________________________________________ 三.拓展训练 (一)基础训练 1.根据句意和提示,按正确形式拼写单词: 1).She gave her father a____________(保证) that it would never happen again. 2).His work this week hasn’t been up to his usual______________(水平). 3).What I __________(缺乏) is time and money. 4).The doctor told me to eat a ______________(均衡的) diet. 5).This little shop sells a wide _______________(多样化) of goods. 6).This was the only room__________(可用的). 7). It’s widely _________ (相信) that extra vitamins (提供)___________


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