重大版高中英语必修4 unit 5 Reading.ppt

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重大版高中英语必修4 unit 5 Reading

社会向文学提供素材,文学向社会提 供规范。 —郭沫若 在艺术作品中,最富有意义的部分即 是技巧以外的个性。 —林语堂 艺术是精神和物质的奋斗。 —宗白华 Know more information about art after class, choose the art works that you like best and discuss with your partner. 4. The old painters asked the two painters to make a picture as true to life as possible. 5. The old artist made a judgment of the best painter. 6. The painter who won the competition went to collect his prize. 7. The old artist tried to pull the curtain back and then found out the truth. 8. Some birds began pecking at the picture. The correct order is __________________________________ 1 4 3 8 7 5 6 _____ 1) The people of Greece held the Olympic Games to find the beauties in the world. _____ 2) The judge was once the best painter in the city. Read the passage carefully and judge whether each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). Correct the false one(s). F T best in every sport. ____3) The picture of the first painter showed a bird pecking at some grapes. ____4) The second painter didn’t finish his picture. ____5) The old man chose the first painter as the winner of the competition. F F F The picture of the first painter showed a bowl of grapes which looked so ripe and juicy that people could hardly believe that they were not real. painted a curtain. second * Art leads to a more profound concept of life, because art itself if a profound expression of feeling. 艺术使生活丰富,因为艺术本身就是人类的丰富情感的表达。 Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth. ---------- Pablo Picasso (Spanish painter) 艺术是使我们认识真理的一种谎言。 ——毕加索 Read the following quotations about “art” and translate them into Chinese. Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feelings the artist has experienced. ---------- Leo Tolstoy (Russian writer) 艺术不是工艺品;艺术是艺术家感情之表达。 -----俄国作家托尔斯泰 All art is but imagination of nature. ---------- Seneca (Roman philosopher) 所有艺术皆是对自


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