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Duck intestine Hotpot restaurant Hot pot seasoning Chongqing Hot Pot Chongqing has many delicacies,but the best famous food is chongqing hot pot This is chongqing daily dishes 泡椒凤爪 空心菜 Water spinach Sichuan style stew pork 干锅 Heavy and spicy Otus 今天晚上要停电 漆黑我俩的视线 你到了咧里看不见 朝天门在校场口旁边 霓虹灯正眨着眼 月亮靠近大都会顶点 冰粉凉虾嘿么甜 红糖水再给我弄一点 吃火锅不数签签 吃串串才数签签的我 家住在五里店 爱看重庆台 麻辣笑星在表演 西政的帅哥表情看来很腼典 川外的美女热情大方笑开颜 朝天门沿线 到码头边 能看见两条江水交界线 从小被嘉陵江水泡大的我们 如今在青轨上面仰望着蓝天 瓷器口的潮涌 百姓跟风 买一袋麻花还要排长龙 一点不轻松 吃火锅不数签签 吃串串才数签签地我 眼睛还会放电 跑到解放碑 人民公园打太极拳 当老板24小时忙着找钱 打工仔兢兢业业工作不悠闲 望江耍一天 去泡温泉 老汉说又费马达又费电 从小喝嘉陵江水长大的我们 不喜欢汉堡西餐只爱吃小面 棒棒军嘿扪凶 东西嘿重 他一样捞上捞下到处拱 非常的轻松 朝天门沿线 到码头边 能看见两条江水交界线 等到三峡大坝水装满那天 我们的城市绝对不会再停电 岁月一年一年 时光改变 重庆也会有腾飞的一天 你们能看见\n Thank you for your attention Welcome to Chongqing it received its current name in 1189,after prince Zhao Dun of the Southern Song Dynasty described his crowning as king and then Emperor Guangzong as a“double celebration”.孝宗淳熙十六年(1189年),皇子赵接踵于正月封恭王,二月受内禅即帝位,自诩“双重庆喜”,遂将恭州升格命名为重庆府。重庆得名迄今已八百余年。重庆自秦以来,历代王朝 How did chongqing get its name? Jiefangbei,which stands in the most prosperous downtown of Chongqing is not only the symbol of civilization but also the evidence for history of half a century At the last minute of a year ,thoudands of people gathered toward the tower,waitting for the first second of the new year 解放碑 * Cityscape(城市风光)of Chongqing the city center ---yangjiaping(杨家坪) another city center--- guanyinqiao(观音桥) One of the city center---nanping(南坪) The night scene of Chongqing the scenic spots in Chongqing Hongyadong is the witness of history and culture of Chongqing and the symbol of the spirit of Chongqing . It refelcts the most traditional architectural characteristics “Diaojiaolou” 洪崖洞 Ciqikou is an ancient town in Chongqing, which originally called longyinzen(龙隐镇)A thousand year ago, it was a busy port located at the lower reaches of the jialing river. now it is been a pla


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