长难句练习 英文.pptx

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长难句练习 英文

The internet From Weibo to WeChat After a crackdown on microblogs, sensitive online discussion has shifted Jan 18th 2014 ;WHEN Luo Changping, an investigative journalist, tried on November 22nd to post the latest chapter of his big scoop on WeChat, a popular Chinese mobile messaging service, censors blocked it. But he was able to work round them. In a follow-up message he told his subscribers they could send him the words “Chapter Seventeen”; users who did so automatically received the post on their mobile phones, uncensored. ;当罗昌平,一个新闻调查记者,11月22号试着在微信(中国流行的移动互联网讯息服务)上发布他最新的独家新闻,审查官屏蔽了他的新闻。但他可以变通的应对。紧接着,他发布一条消息称订阅者可以回复“Chapter Seventeen”(第17章);用户如果这么回复后,会自动收到未经审核的文章推送。;WeChat, or Weixin in Chinese, is known mostly for private chatting and innocuous photo-sharing among small circles of friends. With more than 270m active users, it has become the star product from Tencent, an internet conglomerate. Some have compared it to WhatsApp, an American messaging service. More quietly, it has become the preferred medium for provocative online discussion—the latest move in China’s cat-and-mouse game of internet expression and censorship. ;“WeChat”在中文叫“微信”,被大部分人熟知是因为------人们主要用它私下聊天,和在小范围的朋友圈内分享下无关紧要的照片。微信成为腾讯(多元化互联网产品巨头之一)的明星产品,有超过2亿7千万的用户 群体。有人写把微信比作”WhatsApp”, 一个美国的讯息服务软件。在中国,互联网表达和审查制度如同一场猫鼠游戏,在游戏里最新的 动向成为了在线讨论的议题。而微信则成为优先选择发起在线讨论的媒介,但在微信这片领域里,显得没那么沸腾。 ; Child development In the beginning was the word How babbling to babies can boost their brains Feb 22nd 2014?|?CHICAGO?|?From the print edition ;THE more parents talk to their children, the faster those children’s vocabularies grow and the better their intelligence develops. That might seem blindingly obvious, but it took until 1995 for science to show just how early in life the difference begins to matter. In that year Betty Hart and Todd Risley of the University of Kansas published the results of a decade-long study in which they had looked at how, and how much, 42 families in Kansas City conversed at home. Dr Hart and Dr R


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