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阅读unit 2

Unit 2 School and Education New words and expressions for Reading One: animate: Something that is animate has life, in contrast to things like stones and machines which do not. ...all aspects of the material world, animate and inanimate. At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects. = living Socrates: (?470-399 BC) a Greek philosopher from Athens, who was the teacher of Plato and whose ideas are known from Plato’s writings. He encouraged people to think carefully about ideas before accepting them and developed a method of examining ideas according to a system of questions and answers in order to find out the truth. This is known as the Socratic method or dialectic. The Greek authorities disapproved of his ideas and methods, and said he was a bad influence on young people. They forced him to kill himself by drinking hemlock(毒芹), a powerful poison. stuffing: material that is used to fill things such as cushions or toys in order to make them firm or solid Edith Hamilton:(1867-1963)was an excellent teacher, scholar, and writer. She was a gifted storyteller and had a phenomenal memory. Starting at the age of 63, Hamilton published a number of acclaimed books on Greek and Roman culture, was made an honorary citizen of Athens, and was awarded several honorary doctorates. 翻译的主要作品有《三部希腊剧》 (Three Greek Plays,1937)、《被缚的普罗米修斯》(Prometheus,1927-1929)和欧里庇得斯的《特洛亚妇女》(The Trojan Women)等。 伊迪丝·汉密尔顿十六岁开始上学,1894年她在布莱恩·摩尔学院获得了硕士学位,并获得了一份奖学金,到欧洲莱比锡大学和慕尼黑大学学习古典文学,成为这两所大学的第一位女生。在那里游学一年之后,她于1896年回到美国,和几个志同道合的人一起在巴尔的摩创建了布莱恩·摩尔女子预备学校,并担任校长长达26年。1957年,她以90岁的高龄访问希腊,并被雅典授予荣誉市民的称号。伊迪丝·汉密尔顿于1963年5月下旬完成了她的最后一部著作《柏拉图对话集》,一周之后,卒于华盛顿。 kindle: 1 to cause a fire to start burning 2 If something kindles a particular emotion in someone, it makes them start to feel it. The Second World War kindled his enthusiasm for politics... Meno:《美诺篇》,是柏拉图记载的苏格拉底对话录,以苏格拉底对话体写成。其试图确定德行(virtue)的定义。是德行的本质定义,而非某些特定的美德(如正义与节制等)。目标在于一个普适的定义,适用于一切特定的德行。 axiom:


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