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Unit Fifteen Lesson 30 语音学习。 /au/ now how Wow! about brown cow house housewife tower thousand crowd 读以下句子练习发音。 1. Now, tell me something about Miss Karen. 2. Wow! Susan’s hair is brown, she’s very beautiful! 3. The housewife always do a lot of things in the house. 4. Draw a tower on the paper and show us after that. 5. Get out! Don’t make noise in the house! 该音是个双元音,发这个音时,要特别注意舌位和口形的变化,要从舌位低、口形大的/a/滑到舌位较高、口形小的/u/。发第一个音时舌尖要抵住下齿,发第二个音时舌尖后缩,不抵下齿,且嘴巴要前突、收圆,有明显的滑动,发音时一定要发够长度。常发这个音的字母组合有“ou”、“ow” 。 Unit Fifteen Lesson 30 生词和短语学习。 1. We can buy a lot of things from that shop. 2. There are a lot of people on the street in the morning. 3. There is an old boat in the river. 4. We can see many animals in the water from that beach. 5. This bench is brown and that chair is white. 6. The cows can make milk for us. *in the steet: 车辆在马路中间(开动);on the street: 行人在马路边(行走)。 Unit Fifteen Lesson 30 句型学习。 1. A: Theres a man in front of the shop. B: No, there are two men in front of the shop. 2. A: Are there two men in front of the shop? B: Yes, there are. A: Are they policemen? B: Yes, they are. 3. A: How many men are there in front of the shop? B: There are two. Theyre policemen. 4. A: There are two men in front of the shop. Can you see them? B: Yes, I can. Theyre policemen. Unit Fifteen Lesson 30 句型学习。 1. A: Theres a woman near the school gates. B: No, there are four women near the school gates. 2. A: Are there four women near the school gates? B: Yes, there are. A: Are they housewives? B: Yes, they are. 3. A: How many women are there near the school gates? B: There are four. Theyre housewives. 4. A: There are four women near the school gates. Can you see them? B: Yes, I can. Theyre housewives. Unit Fifteen Lesson 30 句型学习。 1. A: Theres a car in the street. B: No, there are two cars in the street. 2. A: Are there two cars in the street?


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