2017学年高中英语(人教版 必修1)Unit 1 Period Two.doc

2017学年高中英语(人教版 必修1)Unit 1 Period Two.doc

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2017学年高中英语(人教版 必修1)Unit 1 Period Two

Period Two Integrating Skills 基础落实 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.v.________安家;定居;________遭受;经历;____恢复;痊愈;________捆扎;包装;________不同意;________不喜欢;________交换 2.n.________手提箱;衣箱;________十几岁的青少年;________提示,建议;小费;________ 项目;条款 3.adj.________感激的 4.adv.________确实如此;________第二;其次 Ⅱ.短语检测 1.________________遭受;患病 2.________________对……厌烦 3.________________将(东西)装箱打包 4.________________与……相处;进展 5.________________爱上;相爱 6.________________参加;加入 Ⅲ.选词填空 have some trouble with,go through,fall in love with,pack up,agree with,recover from,join in,get tired of,get along with,suffer from1.The verb should ________________ its subject in person and number. 2.She has ________________ headache,so she won’t go to school. 3.When he saw the beautiful girl at first sight,he ________________ her. 4.She ________________ the company’s accounts,looking for evidence of fraud(欺诈). 5.I wish he would ________________ with the other children. 6.How are you ________________________ your classmates in the new school? 7.The boy ________________________ his classmates,but he has no difficulty in doing his lessons. 8.Don’t worry;you’ll ________________ the operation soon. 9.“You need to ________________ your things in the suitcase quickly,” Mother said. 10.“I’ve ________________ looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows,” Anne told her father. Ⅳ.句型转换 1.It was not difficult for the police to find out the murderer. The police had no ________ ________ ________ ________ the murderer. 2.He has been a soldier for 3 years. It ________ 3 years ________ he joined the army. 3.She arrived early in order that she can get a good seat. She arrived early ________ ________ ________ get a good seat. 4.Why don’t you have a try? ________ ________ have a try? 5.To keep a diary is a good habit for you. ________ ________ a good habit for you ________ keep a diary. Ⅴ.单项填空 1.Father went to his doctor for ________ about his heart trouble. A.an advice B.advice C.advices D.the advices 2.—Congratulations on your moving to the new house! —Th


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