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Diagnosed with a foodborne illness Show symptoms of gastrointestinal illness Have infected lesions Exposed to an ill person Touch anything that may contaminate their hands How Foodhandlers Contaminate Food Proper Handwashing Procedure 1. Wet your hands with hot running water 2. Apply soap 3. Rub hands together for at least twenty seconds 4. Clean under fingernails and between fingers 5. Rinse hands thoroughly under running water 6. Dry hands Using the restroom Handling raw foods Touching hair or body Sneezing, coughing, using handkerchief Smoking, eating, drinking, chewing tobacco or gum Wash hands after Using chemicals Handling garbage Clearing tables or busing dirty dishes Touching aprons or clothing Touching other unsanitized surfaces When to Change Gloves As soon as they become soiled Before beginning a different task At least every four hours during continual use After handling raw meat and before handling cooked or ready-to-eat foods Hair restrained Clean, short fingernails, no jewelry or nail polish Apron clean Hair not restrained Long fingernails, jewelry, nail polish Apron dirty and stained Improper Proper Bandage and cover cuts, burns, sores, and skin infections Exclude foodhandlers diagnosed with a foodborne illness from the establishment Exclude foodhandlers from working with or around food if they have the following symptoms: Handling Illness and Injury Fever Diarrhea Vomiting Sore throat Jaundice Model proper behavior Establish proper policies Train foodhandlers Continue supervision and monitoring Remind and retrain Describe a task assignment for a foodhandler who must prepare protein salads and salad bar greens as part of her duties. For the foodhandler’s task assignment, write a plan for proper foodhandling and the prevention of cross-contamination. Play the Symptom Game. Quiz participants on what questio


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