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高二英语(上)学期初考试试题 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The film “127 Hours”tells about a true story of moutain climber Aron Ralston’s near-death experience. The twenty-six-year-old went hiking alone in Canyon(峡谷)Land National Park in the western state of Utah. A huge rock became loose and sent him falling into a deep crack in the canyon.His right arm was crushed between the rock and canyon wall.Aron Ralston could not move.He knew his chances of survival were low because he had not told anyone where he was hiking. Aron Ralston spent one hundred twenty-seven hours trapped and alone.Finally, after five days, he decided he had to cut off his arm in order to escape.The young climber carried out the amputation using a small, unsharpened knife.Then he dragged himself from his rocky prison and hiked out to safety. Aron Ralston wrote a book about his experience called “Between a Rock and a Hard Place.” Aron Ralston struggled to survive in extreme conditions. “I have one hundred fifty milliliters of water left which would keep me alive until tomorrow night if I’m lucky. So, that’s it.” The young climber’s suffering increases as he battles extreme heat,lack of water and the threat of death.He eventually ran out of water,carved his name,date of birth and presumed(设想) date of death into the sandstone canyon wall,and videotaped his last goodbyes to his family. Although he loses an arm, Ralston becomes a more complete person.Today,wearing a prosthetic(假肢的) arm, Aron Ralston still climbs mountains and explores canyons.He also travels the world as a speaker.   . What is the proper meaning of the underlined word “amputation”?   A.B. experiment C. experience D. cutting off a limb 2. Which of the following factors does not contribute to the difficulties of Aron Ralston’s survival?   A.B. unsharpened knife   C. D. losing touch with the outside world 3. Which statement about Aron Ralston is wrong according to the passage? A. Ar


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