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in Middle earth 1. All three parts of the story have been made into very successful films. 这个故事已经被拍成了三部非常成功的电影。 2. Human are only one of the creatures who exist at this time. 人类仅仅是生活在那个时代的一种生物。 此句中,who引导的定于从句用来修饰creature。 3. There are also elves, tall beautiful creatures who have magical powers and never die. power:力量,能力(不可数);势力,有影响的人或物(可数) 4. Any creature who possessed one of these rings has great power. possess: vt. 拥有,控制,支配 例如: 1) 她借他一本自己的书。 She lent him a book she possessed. be possessed of 有,拥有,享有 possess sb of 使拥有【占有】 他这个人很有自信。 5. Sauron, realizing that the Ring has been found, sends his creatures to get it back. 意识到戒指已经被发现了, 索龙派手下去把它找回来。 He was possessed of great self-confidence. 2)他有很多金子。 He possessed himself of the gold. 此句中realizing that the Ring has been found 在句子中表示原因,相当于: because he realized that the Ring has been found. * * * 外研版 高二年级(选修6) Module 2 狮子·女巫·魔衣橱 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, 1950 贾思潘王子 Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia, 1951 黎明行者号 The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, 1952 银椅 The Silver Chair, 1953 奇幻马和传说 The Horse and His Boy, 1954 魔法师的外甥 The Magicians Nephew, 1955 最后的战役 The Last Battle, 1956 《纳尼亚传奇》系列 Philip Pullman The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe The white wicked witch extremely bad; evil The lion, Aslan, the only one who can defeat the Witch and restore summer to Narnia. to bring something back or give back Faun: Half man, half animal from the waist upward ….. but his legs were shaped like… instead of feet he.. a tail…. an umbrella; parcels; muffler; beard; curly hair; two horns; a strange, but pleasant face; rather reddish skin defeat wisdom snowflake doorway daylight shut lamppost hoof reddish pointed brown-paper v. 击败, 战胜 n. 智慧 知识 n. 雪花 雪片 n. 门口 n. 白天 daytime/nighttime) v. 关上 n. 路灯柱 (lamp路灯) n. 蹄 adj. 有点红的 adj. 尖的 n. 牛皮纸 ahead of ought to /should have done look back over one’s shoulder catch a glimpse of set out get back go wrong step out be shaped like give a start of


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