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Types of houses Family relationships Cooking methods Sleeping arrangements Men’s hut is a _____________ with ____________________. No _____, small _______. Floor was covered with ___________. low bamboo hut grass sticking out of the roof windows doorway fresh grass Everyone seemed to be a ________of Tombe’s . (large extended family) relative ________ are placed in an _______, then _________ are placed in the drum, covered with ____________ and _________. Hot stones oil drum vegetables banana leaves steamed Kiak usually slept in her ________. A newly made ______ for Jenny and me to sleep on. own hut platform Diet Possessions Agriculture Beliefs _____________, _____ and ________. sweet potato corns greens I could only see one broom a few ________ and ______ and a couple of ______. tin plates cups jars Tools are very basic. There is no __________. machinery The villagers believe that any _______attract ________ in the night so the food is _______in the can and the can is then _____________ of the hut. leftovers evil spirits dried up thrown out From the text we know that Jo worked as a volunteer teacher in a poor area. What would you do if you were a volunteer? Why? Teamwork Post-reading Act out Just do it! Come out from your corner No doubt in join us You can decide the future Devote your youthful power to this world Come together, hand in hand together I know you‘ll do We pray and believe that tomorrow will be better Hoping to hear your views! If you have any good teaching methods and materials to share. Would please first read the letter through quickly to match each part with its main idea. I’ll give you 2 mins. We’ ll mainly discuss Part 2 and 3 in this period. If everybody offers a little love, the world will become more beautiful. Attention: What does it want to appeal to(呼吁)? It appeals to us to love with others in the world. share Unit4 What will we learn in


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