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我国各地区环境介质中二噁英含量对比分析 张莉娜1*杨玉林2严春1 1. 上海宝钢工业技术服务有限公司上海201900; 2. 中检集团理化检测有限公司上海200436) 摘 要: 二噁英广泛存在于大气、土壤等环境介质中, 因其特殊的物理化学及生物特性会严重危害人体健康和生态环境。本文总结了我国各地区大气中二噁英的污染现状, 并对其进行对比分析, 结果发现我国大部分地区大气中二噁英的平均浓度水平相当, 几乎都低于日本环境大气的标准限; 不同功能区大气中二噁英浓度差异较大, 但各地区间不同功能区的二噁英浓度变化趋势一致, 浓度由高到低大致为工业区、居民区、商业区、背景区, 我国大气中二噁英的污染状况提供依据。 关键词大气; 二噁英; Comparative analysis of dioxins content in environmental media in various regions of China ZHANG Li-Na1*, YANG Yu-Lin2, YAN Chun1 (1. Shanghai Baosteel Industry Technology Service Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201900, China; 2. CCIC Physical and Chemical Testing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200436, China) ABSTRACT: Dioxins are widespread in the atmosphere, soil and other environmental media. Because of their special physicochemical and biological properties, they can harm to human health and ecological environment seriously. This paper summarized the present situation of atmospheric pollution of dioxins in various areas in our country, and carried on the contrast analysis. The results showed that the average concentration of atmospheric levels of dioxin in most parts of China were almost unanimous but lower than atmospheric environmental standard limit of Japan. In different functional areas, the differences of dioxins concentration in the atmosphere were great, but the variation trends of dioxins concentration in different functional areas were consistent, and the concentration from high to low was in order of industrial district, residence area, comercial area and background area. This paper can provide the basis for understanding the pollution status of dioxins in the atmosphere of China. KEY WORDS: atmosphere; dioxin; environment 1 引言 二噁英(tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, PCDD/Fs)是一类对人类和环境危害很大的持久性有机污染物(POPs), 包括75种多氯代二苯并二噁英及135种多氯代苯并呋喃, 是首批被列入《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》的持久性有机污染物之一[1]。自20世纪60年代以来, 人类就在无意造成的二噁英“事故性污染”中认识了二噁英, 20世纪90年代后期, 多起直接针对二噁英食品污染问题的报道引起了各国对二噁英污染更多的关注与了解, 如1999年在比利时发现的食品污染事件, 部分鸡肉和鸡蛋中测出含有高浓度二噁英。而我国在20世纪90年代后期只有3家单位具备二噁英的分析和检测能力[2]。相比发达国家, 我国环境二噁英防治和监测工作都起步较


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