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茶树生态系中的立体污染链与阻控 陈宗懋1,阮建云1,蔡典雄2,章力建3 (1中国农业科学院茶叶研究所,杭州310008;2中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京100081;3中国农业科学院,北京100081) 摘要:运用农业立体污染的新概念,针对茶树和茶叶本身的特点,剖析了来自土壤、水源、空气中性质各异的污染物,包括农药残留、铅、氟、铝、硝酸盐、多环芳烃(PAHs)、多氯代二苯并二恶英/呋喃(PCDD/PCDF)等,在水-土、土-气、土-植物等不同相或界面间的相互交换和迁移特性。论述了茶园生态系中的立体污染链以及污染物对不同界面的偏嗜性和界面间转移的时空特征,分析了中国茶叶生产中的立体污染问题。在对茶叶中几种污染物安全性风险评价的基础上,从清洁化生产角度,讨论了不同界面间污染源的控制和污染链防阻技术和应用,探讨了未来创新研究的重点领域。 关键词:立体污染;立体污染链;界面转移;农药残留;重金属;污染源 Tri-dimension Pollution Chain in Tea Ecosystem and Its Control CHEN Zong-mao1, RUAN Jian-yun1, CAI Dian-xiong2, ZHANG Li-jian3 ( 1Institute of Tea Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310008; 2 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081; 3Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081 ) Abstract: Transferring pathways and characteristics of different kinds of potential pollutants including pesticide residue, lead, fluorine, aluminium, nitrite and nitrate, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)/polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/ PCDF) in teas from various sources such as soil, water and air are elucidated within the frame of a new concept of agricultural tri-dimension pollution in this paper. The tri-dimension pollution chains in the tea ecosystems, the tendentiousness of pollutants on different interfaces as well as their time and spacious characters of transference between the interfaces i.e. water-soil, soil-air, soil-plant systems are discussed in detail. The challenges of potential tri-dimension pollution in tea production of China are thoroughly analyzed. Based on the safety assessment of various pollutants in tea, technology and practical application to prevent and control the pollution sources and breakdown the pollution chains are recommended from the viewpoint of the cleaning production. Needs for future researches concerning the innovation of new technology are emphasized. Key words: T


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