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  2013广州职高对口升学英语专题训练:说明文型完形填空 (限时:45分钟) (一) There are many kinds of art in the world and so are the art museums.In Brazil, soccer is __1__ an art form.That is the best __2__ for the soccer museum to be built. Brazil is the land that __3__ a lot of great football stars, __4__ Aradona, Zico, Romario, Ronaldo, Kaka, and the __5__ of all, Pele.It is the only country to have qualified for every World Cup, and the __6__ one to win it five times. In order to __7__ the greatest sport of the nation, the Museum Do Futebol, or Football Museum, opened last month at Pacaembu Stadium in Sao Paulo.On entering the __8__, visitors are happy and a little surprised because they are __9__ in Portuguese, Spanish and English by a life-size image of Pele, who is known as “The King”. “The Louvre has the Mona Lisa.And we have our own piece of __10__, that is Pele.” said Hugo Sukman, of the Robert Marinho Foundation, which helped __11__ the construction of the museum. In many ways, the museum is a shrine to Pele. One of its most impressive displays is a temporary exhibit with 140 items form Pele’s personal collection, __12__ the wooden shoeshine box he used as a boy to __13__ spare change and the ball from his 1000th __14__ in 1969. “Inevitably, a museum about football is also a museum about the __15__ of Brazil and Brazilian culture,” said Leonel Kaz, the museum’s curator. (  )1.A.regarded    B.considered C.compared D.made (  )2.A.excuse B.cause C.design D.reason (  )3.A.made B.born C.grew D.produced (  )4.A.included B.including C.such as D.for example (  )5.A.more famous B.less famous C.most famous D.least famous (  )6.A.only B.just C.mere D.too (  )7.A.praise B.honor C.exhibit D.pass on (  )8.A.stadium B.house C.museum D.land (  )9.A.greeted B.spoken C.shown D.led (  )10.A.exhibition B.image C.art D.painting (  )11.A.support B.fund C.build D.design (  )12.A.contained B.containing C.included D.including (  )13.A.gain B.raise C.earn D.achieve (  )14.A.goal B.scor


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