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Content Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project Task 1 With rapid economic development in China, people’s housing conditions have been greatly improved, but house prices have also risen. Interview some of your friends, especially those who were born before or during the 1970s, about the changes they have experienced in the cost and condition of their housing. The following are some possible topics that you may like to raise. Possible topics Location/ Size/ Interior decoration/ Electrical appliances/ Running water/ Hot water/ Showering or bathing facilities/ Indoor toilets/ Electric or gas stoves/ Refrigerators/ Central heating and/or air conditioning/ Lighting/ Telephone / Cable TV/ Internet access/ Housing cost—rent or ownership Task 2 People have a number of different reasons for choosing a particular area to live in. Compare the benefits and shortcomings of the following locations and decide where you’d like to live. You could add to the list. Task 3 Read the following paragraph and discuss with your partner what your choice would be if you were in Lao Wang’s situation. Give the reasons for your choice. The Housing Crisis Goes Suburban Task 2 Paraphrase the underlined parts of the following sentences. (P258) 1. …workers cram their families into overcrowded apartments, college graduates have to crash with their parents, and firefighters, … (Para. 1) cram: v. to force something into a small space 把······塞入 e.g. Jessica crammed her clothes into the bag. crash: v. slang to stay at someone’s house for the night 借宿 e.g. I crashed for one night at my friend’s house when I was in Chicago. 2. The real estate boom of the past decade has produced windfalls for Americans who owned before it began, … (Para. 2) windfall: n. an amount of money that you get unexpectedly 意外之财 3. Roosevelt si



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