中药鲜药的应用与现代研究 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

中药鲜药的应用与现代研究 - 天津中草药杂志社.pdf

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中药鲜药的应用与现代研究 - 天津中草药杂志社

中草药 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs 第46 卷 第20 期 2015 年10 月 ·3125 · 中药鲜药的应用与现代研究 1 1, 2* 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 王梦溪 ,吴启南 ,乐 巍 ,梁侨丽 ,谷 巍 ,戴仕林 1. 南京中医药大学药学院,江苏 南京 210023 2. 江苏省中药资源产业化过程协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210023 摘 要:中药鲜药是中医治病的特色之一,其临床应用贯穿于中医药学起源与发展的整个过程。其中,在温病治疗中使用鲜 药较多,一部分鲜药比干药的作用效果更佳、起效更迅速,在温病治疗上具有重要意义。但是,目前对鲜药的物质基础研究 较少,制约了鲜药制剂的合理设计,剂型改革缺乏依据和指导。通过对中药鲜药应用历史的考证,综述了近年来鲜药在国内 外研究与开发的现状,为今后合理开发利用中药鲜药资源提供科学依据。 关键词:中药;鲜药;干药;温病;中医药 中图分类号:R28 文献标志码:A 文章编号:0253 - 2670(2015)20 - 3125 - 06 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.0253-2670.2015.20.027 Application and modern research on fresh herbs of Chinese materia medica 1 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1, 2 1 WANG Meng-xi , WU Qi-nan , YUE Wei , LIANG Qiao-li , GU Wei , DAI Shi-lin 1. College of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China 2. Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization, Nanjing 210023, China Abstract: Fresh herbs, whose clinical application has been throughout the entire process of the origin and development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), are with the characteristics of treatment by Chinese materia medica (CMM). Fresh herbs are mainly used during the treatment of febrile disease. Compared with dry herbs, some fresh herbs have better and quicker effect on curing disease, at the same time, it is more meaningful in the treatment of febrile disease. However, the fact that current study on the material basis of fresh herbs is insufficient makes the failure about reasonably designing fresh herbs preparations, so that people can not provide the bases and guidances for the reform of dosage form. Through historical research about the application of fresh herbs, this paper describes the current situation about fresh herbs at home and abroad in recent years, in



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