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東吳大學歷史學系碩士班論文 指導教授:徐泓 教授 萬曆四十三至四十五年的山東災荒 Natural Disasters and Famines in Shandong ,1615-1617 研究生:李政宇 二O 一四年七月 萬曆四十三至四十五年的山東災荒 摘要 本論文是關於萬曆四十三年至四十五年山東災荒的研究。本文以三個題目為主軸, 來解釋這三年災荒的背景和成因。 第一個問題是促成這次災荒的自然環境要素為何?明初,朝廷在華北地區實行大 規模移民屯墾的政策,植被遭到破壞,水土流失,造成黃河下游河道泥沙淤積 ,氾濫 頻仍。許多湖泊為泥沙所填平 ,蓄洪能力消失,洪澇災害的頻率增多 ,並且導致土壤 鹽鹼化,傷害了農業 。黃河氾濫所留下的荒地形成了適於蝗蟲生長的蟲源地 ,使得山 東地區不斷受到蝗災的侵襲 。而明朝實行南糧北運政策,治河政策和水利建設以確保 漕運為主,忽視了農田水利,使得運河沿線地區水患難以平息。 第二問題是氣候變異是否是這次災荒的直接導因?本文的論點是這次災荒的導火 線為萬曆四十二至四十三年間所發生的「聖嬰現象」。聖嬰現象對旱災和蝗災的爆發皆 有良好的對應。而這次聖嬰現象所導致的旱災,從而引發連年的蝗災,糧食絕收,是 這三年山東地區大饑荒的成因。 最後一個問題是明朝政府的災荒防治政策與救災應變措施,是否能有效對抗災荒? 本文認為這次災荒中,政府的救災措施已經無法給予災民有效的救濟 。中央救災效率 低落 ,地方則沒有蠲免賦稅的權力,唯有設法籌糧 ,設廠施粥 ,以應一時之急。因此 儘管災害持續的時間並不算長,卻造成了嚴重的饑荒,可見山東的備荒倉儲已經失靈, 連一次較嚴重的歉收都難以應付,這顯示了明朝內部即將動亂的徵兆。 關鍵字:明朝、萬曆、山東、饑荒、聖嬰現象 Natural Disasters and Famines in Shandong ,1615-1617 Abstract In early Ming Dynasty, the central government implemented the policy of immigration to open up wastelands in northern China. It caused serious soil erosion, which leads to frequent natural disasters in Shandong. It had also led to the deterioration of the environment and damage to agriculture. Meanwhile, the flooding of the Yellow River created new wastelands, suitable for the growth of locusts. The central government implemented the policy to shift the food grain from the south to the north. In order to ensure the Caoyun system unimpeded, the central government ignored the water conservancy construction, lead to social and economic declined in Shandong . Climate change caused this natural disaster. El Niño occurred in 1614, it caused drought and locust plague was an important factor of the Great Famine in Shandong in the subsequent three years. In this disaster, the incompetence of the central government and inefficient relie


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