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东北亚区域经济联系的特点the characteristics of regional economic
东北亚区域经济一体化与东北亚合作与发展银行的作用 Economic Integration of Northeast Asia and the Function of the Bank of Cooperation and Development in Northeast Asia Professor Junlu Ma Department of Finance, School of Economics, Nankai University, Tianjin P. R. China 内容提要 Content The characteristics of regional economic contact in Northeast Asia The impulses and resistances of Regional economy integration of Northeast Asia The function of the Bank in promoting regional economic integration 东北亚区域经济联系的特点The characteristics of regional economic contact in NEA 东北亚区域国家经济自由化指数的国际比较 Economic Freedom index between NEA Countries “ASEAN+3”面临金融调整问题,给东北亚区域经济一体化带来机会 “ASEAN+3” faces the problem of financial adjustment, bringing about opportunities for regional economic integration 东北亚区域国家更重视技术创新和产业结构调整 Orientation to technique innovation and the adjustment of industrial structure 东北亚地区基础设施建设巨大的投融资需求 Enormous Financing and Investment Demand of the Infrastructure Construction in Northeast Asia 提高东北亚地区资金运用的效率,整合区域资源配置,优化分工体系,扩大产品市场,为贸易提供源泉和动力 Improving the efficiency of operating money, integrating regional resource assignment and realizing a more reasonable labor-division system. The enlargement of product market provides sources and impetus for trade. 引导资金流向贸易融资便利项目,加速贸易流,提高整体贸易额 Guiding capital to flow to financing-easy project, accelerate trade current and enhancing overall trade volume. Seventeenth Northeast Economic Forum/ Seventeenth Northeast Economic Forum Seventeenth Northeast Economic Forum/ Seventeenth Northeast Economic Forum * 中华人民共和国 天津,南开大学 经济学院,金融系 马君潞 东北亚区域经济联系的特点 东北亚区域经济一体化的动力和阻力 东北亚银行在推动区域经济一体化中的作用 地理上接近、经济互补程度高 Closed to each other geographically, and complementary to each other economically 经济增长速度快,贸易开放程度高,潜在的新经济增长极 The economy is growing at a rapid speed, while the trade is open to the world in a high degree, and a potential region for economic growth 制度变迁速度快,趋势明显 Fast institutional transition with an obvio