胰腺星形细胞在胰腺纤维化中的研究进展 - 生物医学工程学杂志.pdf

胰腺星形细胞在胰腺纤维化中的研究进展 - 生物医学工程学杂志.pdf

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胰腺星形细胞在胰腺纤维化中的研究进展 - 生物医学工程学杂志

• 638 • Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics in General Surgery, May 2017, Vol. 24, No.5   ·综 述· 胰腺星形细胞在胰腺纤维化中的研究进展 龙丹,周彦妮,李鸿生,王思琪,李露,张家碧,冯莉,李胜富 四川大学华西医院卫计委移植工程与移植免疫重点实验室(成都  610041 ) 【摘要】   目的    综述胰腺星形细胞在胰腺纤维化中的研究进展,了解胰腺星形细胞的特性、活化及对胰腺 纤维化作用的机制。 方法    查阅近年来国内外有关胰腺星形细胞及其在胰腺纤维化研究中的相关文献,对胰腺 星形细胞及其与胰腺纤维化的关系及致病机制进行综述。 结果    胰腺炎和终末期移植胰腺伴随的纤维化与胰腺 星形细胞的活化密切相关,而胰腺星形细胞的活化对胞内外的一些信号通路分子等的影响和调节的详细机制还 需要深一步探讨。 结论    研究胰腺星形细胞的活化机制能对胰腺纤维化的过程进一步了解,以便于下一步寻找 干预的新靶点。 【关键词】  胰腺炎;胰腺纤维化;胰腺星形细胞;细胞活化 Research progress of pancreas stellate cells in pancreas fibrosis LONG Dan, ZHOU Yanni, LI Hongsheng, WANG Siqi, LI Lu, ZHANG Jiabi, FENG Li, LI Shengfu Key Laboratory of Transplant Engineering and Immunology, Ministry of Health, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, P.R.China Corresponding author: FENG Li, Email: fenglily31@ ; LI Shengfu, Email: lishengfu@126.com 【Abstract 】 Objective    To review research progress of pancreas stellate cells in pancreas fibrosis and understand characteristics and activation of pancreas stellate cells and its mechanism on pancreas fibrosis. Method    The relevant literatures about pancreas stellate cells and its studies in pancreas fibrosis were reviewed. Results    The activation of pancreatic stellate cell is associated with fibrosis of pancreatitis and end stage of pancreas transplantation, but its effect and regulation mechanisms for the extracelluar and intracellular molecular network need to be further investigated. Conclusion    Elucidation of activation of pancreas stellate cells will facilitate understanding of pancreas fibrosis and searching new target in treatment of pancreas fibrosis. 【Keywords 】 pancreatitis; pancreas fibrosis; pancreas stellate cell; cell activation 在胰腺纤维化的过程中, 常常会出现胰腺导 1    胰腺星形细胞的特性及鉴定 管阻塞,以及胰腺发生炎症而导致的胰腺进一步坏 死。 在胰腺纤维化形成


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