一种基于综合特征的网页类型识别方法 - 信息工程大学学报.pdf

一种基于综合特征的网页类型识别方法 - 信息工程大学学报.pdf

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一种基于综合特征的网页类型识别方法 - 信息工程大学学报

Vo l. 12 No.6 第 12 卷第 6 期 信息工程大学学报 2011 年 12 月 Journal of Information Engineering University Dec.2011 一种基于综合特征的网页类型识别方法 陈翰,周杰,李剖程 (信息工程大学信息工程学院,河南郑州 450002) 摘要:现有网络舆情监测分析系统大多采用人工建立模型、网页逐个匹配的方法识别网页类 型,不仅费时费力,而且随着网页的变化和快速增长,效率不断下降,如何让机器快速准确识别 出网页类型成为迫切需要解决的问题。针对现有网页分类算法无法自动识别网页所属网络舆 情载体类型的问题,深入研究了网页的超链接特征、内容特征和结构特征,构建了面向网络舆 情载体类型识别的特征集,提出了基于综合特征的网页类型自动识别算法,应用 SVM 分类器 对数据集进行训练和建模。实验结果表明,该方法能够很好地对网络舆情载体类型进行分类。 关键词:网页类型;特征提取;自动识别 中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:A 文章编号: 1671 - 0673 (2011 )06 - 0738 - 07 Genre Recognition Method of 飞离r eb Pages ßased on Integral Features CHEN Han , ZHOU Jie , LI Bi-cheng (Institute of Information Engineeri吨, Information Engineering University , Zhengzhou 450002 , China) Abstract: Extensive human efforts are required to build templates in genre recognition of web pages in present monitoring and analyzing system for network public opinions. As the Web changes and continues to grow , this manual approach becomes less effective , and how to recognize the genre of Web pages accurately and rapidly has become a crucial problem. To solve this problem , a feature set for Web pages automatic recognition is proposed , which is based on research of the hyperlink features , content features and structure features of Web pages. Hence a Web pages automatic recog- nition method based on multiple features is proposed , with a SVM classifier for training and model building. Experimental results indicate that this new method can improve the accuracy of Web pages genre recognitio


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