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栀子超微速溶饮片的工艺优化 王志敏1 陈乐2 王小青2 (华润三九江西省中医药研究院南昌) Study on the Technology of Fructus Gardeniae Ultramicro Instant Tablets WANG Zhi-min1, CHEN Le2, WANG Xiao-qing2 (1China Huarun Sanjiu [Nanchang] Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Nanchang330012; 2Jiangxi Institute of Chinese Traditional Medicine, Nanchang330077) Abstract: Objective: To optimize the new technology of fructus gardeniae ultramicro instant tablet (refrigeration technology + microwave sterilization + ultramicro pulverization technology), and optimize production technology parameters. Methods: Used the new technology (refrigeration technology + microwave sterilization + ultramicro pulverization technology), and compared with the traditional technology, to observe the changes of TLC, effective components and powder rate. Results: Compared with the traditional technology, the TLC identification of the new technology was more obvious, the effective component content was higher than 6%, and the powder rate was higher 10%. Conclusion: Technology innovation is feasible, can reduce the loss of effective component, improve the powder rate. Key words: Fructus gardeniae ultramicro instant tablet; Refrigeration technology + microwave sterilization + ultramicro pulverization technology; The traditional technology 中图分类号:R283.6 文献标识码:不 本研究将冷冻、微波灭菌和超微粉碎技术同时运用到江西省道地药材“三子一壳”中的“栀子”的加工炮制中,将其加工成为微米级的颗粒饮片,方便中药配伍和病人服用。中药超微速溶一新型中药剂型先将中药超微粉碎提取制成颗粒然后进行配方这样既节省药材、提高药理效应等[1]仪器与试药 LHC气旋式气流粉碎机(潍坊正远粉体工程设备有限公司OlympusSTM6测量显微镜(奥林巴斯中国公司),GWM-连续隧道微波干燥灭菌机(天水华圆制药设备科技有限责任公司),岛津LC-20AD高效液相色谱仪(LC-solution工作站,LC-20AD二元泵,SPD-20A紫外检测器),SimplicityTM型超纯水系统(Millipore公司)Mettller Toledo AG135双量程电子天平(十万分之一) 2 方法与结果 2.1 原药材的净制 拣去杂质筛去泥屑。 50 6 3.85 60 5.5 3.83 70 4.7 3.63 80 4 3.55 2.4 常规粗粉 采用FL-10型风冷粗碎机将常规干燥的栀子粉碎成粗粉,过20目筛,备用。 2.5 冷冻干燥 在进行超微粉碎前,要预先将粉碎的药材粗粉冷冻到


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