不同公猪在配种产仔数上的亲和力 - 杭州大观山实业投资有限公司.doc

不同公猪在配种产仔数上的亲和力 - 杭州大观山实业投资有限公司.doc

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不同公猪在配种产仔数上的亲和力 - 杭州大观山实业投资有限公司

不同公猪配种产仔数上的亲和力 金访中1 , 胡金平1 , 李湘芹1 , 杨茂成2,* (1杭州大观山猪育种有限公司,浙江 杭州 311115;2南京农业大学 动物科技学院,江苏 南京 210095) 摘要: 用杭州市种猪试验场2004~2009年间,长白猪、大约克、杜洛克三个品种,公猪的配种记录,母猪的分娩记录,取每头公猪有30窝以上配种分娩记录的个体,长白公猪34头,大约公克37头,杜洛公克24头用于分析,方法为:按每头公猪,将与配母猪仅产一胎的合并成对照组,与配母猪产二胎及以上的各为一组,用单因子方差分析及组间LSD法检验。显著性概率P≤0.05为一级亲和力,0.05<P≤0.10为二级亲和力,0.10<P≤0.15为三级亲和力,0.15<P≤0.20为四级亲和力。亲和力的统计特性有:1.普遍性,即不同品种中的公猪都存在亲和力。在同一品种公猪中,大约有40~60%的个体有亲和力。2.两面性,有些交配组合产仔很多,表现出正亲和力,有些则相反呈负亲和力。3.专一性,有亲和力的公猪,亲和力仅表现在某些特定的母猪身上。 关键词:公猪 产仔数 亲和力 作者简介:金访中(1974-),男,浙江永康人,学士,畜牧师,主要从事动物遗传育种 * 为通迅作者 Different boars on litter size in mating affinity summary JIN Fang-zhong1 ,HU Jin-ping1 , LI Xiang-qin1 , YANG Mao-cheng2 (1Hangzhou Daguanshan Swine Breeding Co. Ltd, Zhejiang Hangzhou 311115, China; 2Nanjing Agricultural University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210095, China) Abstract: The boar mating records and Sow delivery records of Landrace pig, Yorkshire pigs, Dorec pig were investigated, and delivery records over 30 nest per boar were used for analysis ,such as 34 Landrace pigs, 37 Yorkshire pigs, 24 Dorec , at Hangzhou Swine Breeding Farm during 2004 ~ 2009. The method was: per boar and one mated sow with one litter was used control experimental group, and merge into two embryos and sow in the above all for experimental group, with the single factor analysis of variance and LSD test in both groups. As P≤0.05, it was defined as first grade and as 0.05<P≤0.10, was defined as second grade. 0.10<P≤0.15, was defined as third grade and 0.15<P≤0.20, was defined as fourth grade. The statistical characteristic of affinity: 1. Universality of the boar are different species. In the same species in the boar, there was about 40 ~ 60% of individual affinity. 2. Two-sides, some mating combination, were not many affinity, some were opposite negatively affinity. 3 The Specificity, had affinity, only the boar in certain affinity of pigs. Keywords: Boar litter size affinity 前言 同一头公猪与不同母猪交配,其产仔数各不相同,同一交配组合产二胎或更多胎,其平均产仔数有的很多,有的则很少,这种现象在繁殖学上用“受精选择性”[1


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