hd 注册表修改(Revision of hd registry).doc

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hd 注册表修改(Revision of hd registry)

hd 注册表修改(Revision of hd registry) 1. The system resources are automatically released and the system resources are severely inadequate In window-mobile, system resources are reduced for every program that runs. Some programs will consume large amounts of system resources, even if the application is shut, in memory, or some useless DLL in running script file, which makes the system run speed down. However, we can modify the method of the registry key value to automatically remove the unused DLL files in memory after closing the program, and recover the system resources consumed in time! Open the registry editor, find: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion primary key, establish a key value below, named: explorer, to explorer under a new string value, called AlwaysUnloadDll and then AlwaysUnloadDll written 1 key values, exit registry to restart 2. The safety warning when the first running program is removed: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Security \ Policies \ Policies \ 0000101 a No warning information is displayed when = 1; Restore display when = 0. 3: modify the registry to set a smooth font in PPC Modify the registry Settings in the PPC font smoothing method: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ NoClearType to zero under the Shell, after the restart setup/system/adjust/can see the ClearType options screen, Chinese fonts is obvious after open ClearType became more smooth. Before starting, only the regular and literal size page in the adjust screen section. Once again, there are three options for normal/ ClearType / text size in the adjust screen item 4: prevent the screen from automatically closing when talking on the phone: In registry key HKLM \ software \ the BuiltIn \ RIL \ EnableFastDormantDisplayDuringCall key value is set to 0 (note: some ROM doesnt work) 5: improving the performance of TouchFLO 3D: In registry key HKLM \ System \ Storagemanager \ Fatfs, Cachesize keys from 16384 to 16384 (decimal) recommendation 32768 {dont know



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