《高等数学课程》(下)教学大纲(本科用)(Higher mathematics course (lower) syllabus (undergraduate)).doc

《高等数学课程》(下)教学大纲(本科用)(Higher mathematics course (lower) syllabus (undergraduate)).doc

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《高等数学课程》(下)教学大纲(本科用)(Higher mathematics course (lower) syllabus (undergraduate))

《高等数学课程》(下)教学大纲(本科用)(Higher mathematics course (lower) syllabus (undergraduate)) When a man makes a book, he kills the living. ...... The book is the tool of man, and the knowledge of the book lives. Its alive. - hua luogeng Course code:Higher mathematics course (lower) syllabus (undergraduate) Total hours: 96, score: 6 One. The nature, the task, and the purpose of the course Advanced mathematics course is an important basic theory course for students of higher engineering colleges. To train students to analyze problems, solve problems, abstract thinking and logical thinking ability, and lay a solid foundation for further study of the following courses. Ii. Basic contents and requirements of the course Through the course of this course, students are to be given: functions, limits, and continuity; Variable calculus; Vector algebra and space analytic geometry; Multifunction calculus; Infinite series (including Fourier series); The basic concepts, basic theories and basic operational skills of ordinary differential equations are necessary for the study of the following courses and further mathematical knowledge. 2. To impart knowledge at the same time, through various teaching link gradually trains the student to have the abstract problem ability, logical reasoning ability, space imagination ability and self-educated abilities, also pay special attention to cultivate students have more skilled operation ability and integrated use of knowledge to the ability to analyze and solve problems. 3. The teaching of the course will focus on training students correct understanding and using the basic concepts and basic methods, and pay attention to the principle of theory with practice, to practical background and application of these basic concepts. It helps to establish the dialectical materialist viewpoint by recognizing that mathematics comes from practice and practice. 4. The selection of teaching materials and classroom teaching should be carried out with fewer a



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